
看GossipGirl第四季學英語4.7 B的20歲生日

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片名解析:War at the Roses來自於The War of the Roses《玫瑰戰爭》,說的是夫妻之間的戰爭,是不是很貼這集的主題?

Rise and shine, Upper East Siders.
Rise and shine 起牀啦

A signed copy of "This I Remember." What a fitting gift.  
This I Remember是羅斯福總統夫人回憶錄。
What a fitting gift! 好合適的禮物!非常實用的一句話。

I know the first wedding anniversary's supposed to be paper, but that's not really an excuse to... to eat out of cartons.

I'm gonna head off.  
head off 離開

That would be fear of Chuck and Blair 101.  
101 基本條例
這裏讀作one oh one,而不是one hundred and one。通常就是用在某個事物之後,表示關於這件事兒的基本情況。

Sooner or later, one of you is gonna press the other's button, and we're gonna end up with nothing but cockroaches.  
end up with nothing but cockroaches 啥都不剩,只留小強

Sidebar 私下討論

時尚裝扮 地道口語 盡在緋聞女孩華麗專題

看GossipGirl第四季學英語4.7 B的20歲生日

Of course Chuck and Blair go to war and end up happier than ever, leaving Jenny and our family in a pile of rubble.  
pile of rubble 一堆碎石

How good would it feel to finally give them a taste of their own medicine?  
give a taste of their own medicine 以其人之道還治其人之身

I've picked up a-a few skills over the years, and you come from a long line of world-class schemers.
pick up skill 學會某些技巧
world-class 一流的


I may have a small crush.  
have a crush 傾心於某人

my lips are sealed.  
lips are sealed 守口如瓶

Let's see how strong the holy alliance is after this air strike.  
air strike 空襲

Cut to the chase.  
Cut to the chase 長話短說,開門見山

And this handiwork has your lying little sister's fingerprints all over it.  
handiwork 手藝,特指壞人所做的壞事

And since Gothic Barbie remains safely quarantined upstate, feel free to stop by if you're feeling lonely.  
Gothic Barbie 哥特式的芭比娃娃
feel free 請便

Juliet's plans are falling into place, and S. is primed for a fall.
fall into place 水到渠成

Nate thought he and Humphrey were thick as thieves. Turns out Humphrey's a thief, and Nate's just thick.
thick as thieves 親密無間

You don't have to lose the girl to be a woman. Just... need to think maybe about how many people are going to be around the next time you let her out.  

時尚裝扮 地道口語 盡在緋聞女孩華麗專題


