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Wu Renbao took a vague concept─'capitalism with Chinese characteristics'─as the blueprint to turn a farm community into what is now known in China as the country's richest village.


Mr. Wu, who died of lung cancer at age 84 on Monday, responded to China's market overhauls in the early 1980s with a politically savvy strategy to charge up the economy of Huaxi, the village in eastern Jiangsu province that he headed as Communist Party secretary. While Mr. Wu kept his party bosses happy by swearing allegiance to socialism, he turned rice and pig farmers into millionaires.


For Chinese leaders unsure of how to embrace market economics without abandoning the Communist party, the village 85 miles northwest of Shanghai illustrated a working model. His approach mirrored that of Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, who sparked China's post-Mao Zedong economic boom with imprecise concepts such as his famous 'capitalism with Chinese characteristics.'


Both were pragmatic men, short in stature, who were criticized during Mao's time, and neither felt nostalgia for his era. 'I raised cattle and fed pigs during the day and took care of the disabled son of my landlord in the morning and night. All this hard work earned me 20 kilos of rice a year,' Mr. Wu told a Chinese magazine two years ago.


Mr. Wu pivoted Huaxi's economy from farming toward manufacturing and trade, with ventures in steelmaking, then liquor, banking and tourism. For political cover, he took a page from Mao and labeled the assets and income as collective property of the villagers.


Today, Huaxi's around 1,600 original residents jointly claim title to the fruits of its three decades of economic growth, including last year's 58 billion yuan ($9.6 billion) in local gross domestic product, according to town officials.


'Socialism means 98 out of 100 people are happy,' Mr. Wu told Chinese media in 2006. 'You can't do much about the other two.'


Chih-Jou Jay Chen, a researcher at Taiwan's Academia Sinica, said senior Chinese leaders in the 1990s also saw Mr. Wu's careful approach as a potential alternative should market economics fail. 'They wanted to have some socialist models or some communist models to be safe,' said Mr. Chen.

臺灣中央研究院(Academia Sinica)的研究員陳志柔(Chih-Jou Jay Chen)說,上世紀90年代的中國高層領導人也將吳仁寶謹慎的做法視爲市場經濟失敗後可能的替代品。陳志柔說,處於安全考量,他們想要有一些社會主義模式或共產主義模式。

Huaxi holds special status in a nation aspiring to wealth. Most households boast high per capita income and a car to drive. In 2011, the town's 50th anniversary gift to itself was a pure-gold ox that media said weighed a ton. It is displayed on the 60th floor of a five-star hotel nicknamed the Farmer's Apartments that is topped with a golf-ball-shaped room. It is a highlight of the town's free helicopter tours.


'I was shocked, and everyone in the village is saddened by the news of his death,' said Wang Lijuan, a manager at the Huaxi Tourism Agency. 'Mr. Wu is widely respected by us.' Mr. Wu's death also got attention in national media on Tuesday, as broadcasters used the village's transformation as a reminder of strides China has made.

華西旅行社(Huaxi Tourism Agency)經理王麗娟(音)說:聽到他去世的消息我很震驚,村裏所有人都感到難過,吳仁寶受到我們大家的普遍尊敬。吳仁寶的去世週二還引起了中國國家媒體的關注,電視臺以華西村的巨大轉變提醒人們記住中國取得的進步。

There are limits to the generosity of Huaxi's community capitalism. The collective that stakes claim to Huaxi's assets is a tiny subset of the 35,000 people who live there, consisting of residents who hold an official government identity card from the original village. Ms. Wang said her salary isn't supplemented with dividends enjoyed by the original residents.


Mr. Wu had a knack for selling hard-nosed business decisions as generosity. Rather than sacrifice economic growth by permitting local workers vacation time, he decided in the 1990s to bring the world to Huaxi in the form of knockoffs of the White House, Paris's Arc de Triomphe and the Great Wall.


He combined strict political control with get-rich-quick economics, according to Wenxian Zhang, a professor at Rollins College in Winter Park, Fla., 'which is probably better described as the 'socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics.'' Other analysts deride Huaxi's patriarchal, migrant-dependent system as feudalism.

美國佛羅里達州溫特帕克的羅林斯學院(Rollins College)教授張文獻表示,吳仁寶將嚴格的政治管控和快速致富的經濟學結合在一起,也許將其稱作帶有中國特色的社會主義市場經濟更爲貼切。也有分析人士嘲諷華西村這種家長式作風、依賴農民工的制度,說這是封建主義。

Though Mr. Wu remained active in party affairs, he retired as the village's party chief in 2003 and relinquished his key positions to a son, Wu Xie'en. Shares representing village assets known as Jiangsu Huaxicun Co. +0.26% edged up 0.3% on Tuesday on the stock exchange in the city of Shenzhen.

雖然吳仁寶當時在處理黨內事務方面很活躍,但2003年他卸去了華西村黨委書記一職,將自己擔任的一些關鍵職位交給了兒子吳協恩。代表該村資產的江蘇華西村股份有限公司(Jiangsu Huaxicun Co.)的股票週二在深圳交易所略微上漲了0.3%。

His funeral is scheduled for the auspicious time of 8:08 a.m. on Friday, said a spokesman for the town Tuesday.


One of his rules to sustain Huaxi's riches: Anyone who leaves town loses all title to the money.



