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Nigel最常說的Q music到底是什麼意思?
不管是海選還是正賽,《舞林爭霸》的主審Nigel總是在選手開跳之前來一句“Q” Music,然後參賽者就開始隨着音樂跳舞了。那麼他說的到底是什麼呢?

Nigel: "And, cue music."

cue [kju:]
【英漢】n. v. 開端,線索,開始,長隊,髮辮
【英英】A theatrical cue is the trigger for an action to be carried out at a specific time. It is generally associated with theatre and the film industry. They can be necessary for a lighting change or effect, a sound effect, or some sort of stage or set movement/change.

在劇場演出中,cue就是在特定時間發出的開始某個演出項目的信號。通常在劇場或者電影業中都適用,一般可以用來表示燈光或特效的改變、一個音效的啓動,或者舞臺現場某個裝置的轉換等等。所以“cue music”就是“起音樂”,同樣“cue light”就是“燈光控制”,像我們平時的在彩排拍攝現場會聽到導演在那兒叫“音樂!燈光!聲效!舞臺效果!”然後負責各個環節的工作人員就要根據他的指示進行相應的操作咯。


Mary: "You've got 2 tickets on the Hot Tamale Train."

Tamale [tə'mɑ:li]
【英英】A tamale (Spanish tamal, from Nahuatl tamalli) is a traditional Mexican dish of Mesoamerican origin.
【英漢】n. 一種墨西哥傳統食品,跟咱中國的糉子很像哦。看下圖:

然而在tamale前面加上hot,那就是一個俚語口語了,表示熱辣到不行的辣妹。Mary喜歡用hot tamales形容表現出色的拉丁舞者,大讚他們跳出了拉丁舞種的火辣勁爆,性感十足,也是聯繫到了tamale這種食品的異國風情吧?

Hot Tamale Train is a metaphorical term used by the judges on the Fox reality TV show "So You Think You Can Dance" which suggests a dancer that performs at a high level and exhibits an element of "hot and sexiness" in their routine should be riding this imaginary vehicle. Mary says she’s always been calling dancers, “hot tamales” especially Latin dancers,and that she had no idea it would be a phrase that would become very popular. Mary says the crowd goes absolutely crazy when she puts somebody on the “hot tamale train” so she makes sure she reserves it for dancers who are very, very special.

Lil' c最愛夸人的buck是什麼意思?
和Mary一樣,總是滿口專業詞彙的'Lil C也有自己特有的夸人用語,聽上去好像是buck,到底爲什麼是夸人的咧?

Lil' C: "That was bucc."

【英英】coming from hip-hop dance krumping. another way to say "let's krump" meaning something that is intense and passionate. something that is insanely cool.

小丑舞又稱作clown dancing或clowning,是一種將小丑文化與嘻哈文化相結合的舞蹈,起源於南中央洛杉磯非洲裔美國人社區。它運用臉譜造型和自由式的舞蹈動作,通常以鬥舞的形式出現。小丑舞的創始人是托馬斯?約翰遜(Thomas Johnson),綽號"小丑託尼"(Tommy the Clown)。1992年,託尼在一個生日派對上面爲了加強小丑的表演跳起了這種舞蹈,後來這種舞蹈在地下迅速傳播開來,引起許多嘻哈明星的注意,他們將這種舞蹈運用在自己的音樂錄像片中。現在小丑舞已經融入主流嘻哈文化之中,在加州各地活躍着50多個小丑舞團體。


