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Just as he had sensed, the wise Catalonian did not write again. The stranger’s letter, which no one read, was left to the mercy of the moths on the shelf where Fernanda had forgotten her wedding ring on occasion and there it remained, consuming itself in the inner fire of its bad news as the solitary lovers sailed against the tide of those days of the last stages, those impenitent and ill-fated times which were squandered on the useless effort of making them drift toward the desert of disenchantment and oblivion. Aware of that menace, Aureliano and Amaranta ?rsula spent the hot months holding hands, ending with the love of loyalty for the child who had his beginning in the madness of fornication. At night, holding each other in bed, they were not frightened by the sublunary explosions of the ants or the noise of the moths or the constant and clean whistle of the growth of the weeds in the neighboring rooms. Many times they were awakened by the traffic of the dead. They could hear ?rsula fighting against thelaws of creation to maintain the line, and Jos?Arcadio Buendía searching for the mythical truth of the great inventions, and Fernanda praying, and Colonel Aureliano Buendía stupefying himself with the deception of war and the little gold fishes, and Aureliano Segundo dying of solitude in the turmoil of his debauches, and then they learned that dominant obsessions can prevail against death and they were happy again with the certainty that they would go on loving each other in their shape as apparitions long after other species of future animals would steal from the insects the paradise of misery that the insects were finally stealing from man.
One Sunday, at six in the afternoon, Amaranta ?rsula felt the pangs of childbirth. The smiling mistress of the little girls who went to bed because of hunger had her get onto the dining-room table, straddled her stomach, and mistreated her with wild gallops until her cries were drowned out by the bellows of a formidable male child. Through her tears Amaranta ?rsula could see that he was one of those great Buendías, strong and willful like the Jos?Arcadios, with the open and clairvoyant eyes of the Aurelianos, and predisposed to begin the race again from the beginning and cleanse it of its pernicious vices and solitary calling, for he was the only one in a century who had been engendered with love.


正象他預感的那樣,博學的加泰隆尼亞人再也寫不了信了。陌生人的這封來信,結果誰也沒看,就躺在菲蘭達有一次忘記訂婚戒指的那塊擱板上,留給蛀蟲去齧食,讓噩耗的烈火把它慢慢燒掉。這時,一對與世隔絕的情人,正駕着一葉扁舟,逆時代潮流而行。這是一個將使他們生命終止的時代,一個將置他們子死地的不可抗拒的時代,這個時代正在竭盡全力地把這一對情人引到使他們滅絕的沙漠裏去。由於意識到這種危險,奧雷連諾。 布恩蒂亞和阿瑪蘭塔·烏蘇娜同舟共濟地度過了最後的幾個月,他們忠誠相愛地等着那個在他們失去理智的情慾中受胎的兒子出世。夜裏,他們相互依偎地躺在牀上時,既不怕螞蟻在月光下發出的響聲,也不怕蛀蟲的活動聲,更不怕隔壁房間里正在滋長的雜草那清晰可聞、接連不斷的沙沙聲,他們常常被死者掀起的嘈雜聲驚醒。他們聽到,烏蘇娜爲了維護自己的天堂,怎樣跟自然規律進行鬥爭;霍·阿·布恩蒂亞怎樣毫無結果地尋求偉大發明的真啼;菲蘭達怎樣吟誦禱文;失望、戰爭和小金魚怎樣使奧雷連諾上校陷入牲畜般的境地;奧雷連諾第二又怎樣在歡樂的酒宴方興未艾時孤獨地死去。於是他倆懂得人的愛情是高於一切的、不可抑制的,它能夠戰勝死亡,他倆重又感到自己無比幸福。他倆堅信自己將要繼續相愛下去,堅信任他們變成幽靈時,在昆蟲很快就要從他們這兒奪去可憐的天堂、未來其它一些生物又要從昆蟲那兒奪去這個天堂時,他們仍將久久地相愛下去。
一個星期日,傍晚六點,阿瑪蘭塔·烏蘇娜感到一陣臨產的劇病。笑容可掬的助產婆領着幾個由於飢餓而出來幹活的小女孩,把阿瑪蘭塔·鳥蘇娜擡到餐桌上,然後叉開雙腿,騎在她的肚子上,不斷用野蠻的動作折磨產婦,直到一個健壯小男孩的哭聲代替了產婦的叫喊聲。阿瑪蘭塔。 烏蘇娜噙着淚水的眼睛看見了一個真正的布恩蒂亞,就象那些名叫霍。 阿卡蒂奧的人一樣,嬰幾明澈的眼睛又酷似那些名叫奧雷連諾的人;這孩子命中註定將要重新爲這個家族奠定基礎,將要驅除這個家族固有的致命缺陷和孤獨性格,因爲他是百年裏誕生的所有的布恩蒂亞當中唯一由於愛情而受胎的嬰兒。



