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Last year, TV Guide ranked the 100 greatest shows on TV at the time and left The Walking Dead off it completely.

去年,《電視指南》(TV Guide)對當時最好看的100部電視劇進行了排名,完全沒有提到《行屍走肉》。

Our thinking was that even though it had remained immensely popular, it hadn't stayed vital.



“As much as we love the show (we'll watch it to the end), it hasn't truly evolved in the eight seasons it's been on the air. Staying relevant in today's world means adapting and evolving, not merely surviving.”


This was written after two interminable, joyless seasons of Rick Grimes and Negan powering up at each other, Dragon Ball Z-style.

有兩季就是瑞克·格萊姆斯和尼根兩個人互相攻擊,沒完沒了、毫無樂趣,和《龍珠Z》(Dragon Ball Z)一個畫風,然後就有了上面那段話。

The dialogue consisted almost entirely of speeches about "we have to kill to survive." All but the most diehard fans had had enough and jumped ship.


And a lot of diehards spent most of their time complaining about showrunner Scott Gimple on Reddit. Even for misery porn, it was no fun. It felt like it was running out of life, as most shows that last longer than a season do.

很多死忠粉大部分時間都在Reddit上吐槽製作人斯科特·金普爾(Scott Gimple)。即使是作爲一部悲情色情片,也毫無樂趣可言。就像大多數一集比一季還長的劇一樣,這部劇給人的感覺是氣數將盡。

But there was a big behind-the-scenes change that probably saved the show.


Scott Gimple became Chief Content Officer of the Walking Dead franchise, and Angela Kang was promoted to showrunner in his place.

斯科特·金普爾(Scott Gimple)成爲《行屍走肉》系列的首席內容官,安吉拉·康(Angela Kang)被提拔接替該劇製作人的職位。

And she came in with her work cut out for her, like figuring out how exactly to get Rick Grimes into that helicopter.


Kang had been a writer since Season 2, and she obviously had developed her own ideas about how things should go:


Writing dialogue as conversations instead of speeches. Casting great actors like Brett Butler and Angus Sampson to give small parts an extra kick.


Giving dissatisfied cast member Tom Payne a truly shocking, game-changing midseason finale death that was one of the scariest moments the show has ever had.


Figuring out organic ways to transfer Rick's and Carl's comic storylines to other characters. And most importantly, putting a sense of hope into the show.



