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1. Get stronger feet


Because the muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the feet need to be fully utilized, the runner can develop a more natural gait and stronger, more responsive feet. Stronger feet come in handy when you have a standing job or move around a lot. Dancers and fitness instructors, too, will note a change in how their feet aid them better through movements.

因爲足部的肌肉,韌帶和肌腱需要充分利用,所以跑步者可以培養更自然的步態和讓你的腳更強壯、更敏捷。 當你的工作需要長時間站立或者走動很多的時候,更強大的腳會派上用場。 舞蹈演員和健身教練也注意到一點變化,那就是:通過多活動,他們的腳就可以幫助他們表現更好。

2. Avoid calf strains and Achilles tendinitis


As mentioned earlier, the striking zone of the foot between barefoot runners and those wearing sneakers is different. There have been kinematic and kinetic analyses that show how barefoot runners generate smaller collision forces as they move than those wearing sneakers. This holds true for even hard surfaces. This protects the feet and lower limbs from impact-related injuries.

正如以前提到過的,赤足跑步者和穿着運動鞋的人,腳部的用力觸地區域是不同的。運動學和動力學分析已經表明,在運動的過程中,赤足跑步者比穿着運動鞋的跑步的人,會產生更小的碰撞力。 這甚至對於堅硬的表面也是如此。 這可以保護腳和下肢免受撞擊等相關的傷害。


3. Run more with the core


Because you hit the ground with the ball of your foot when unshod, you actually have better running posture. In turn, you need to engage the core muscles to keep you upright and move with the abdominals and back for momentum. Running becomes a complete exercise.

因爲當你赤腳踩在地上時,你實際上會有更好的跑步姿勢。 反過來,你需要讓核心肌肉保持直立,並與腹部一起移動,而且需要恢復動力。 跑步就成了一個完整的練習。

4. Balance and proprioception


As you run barefoot, you can stretch out your toes, dig into the earth, and use that instant contact to gain a more solid and connected base of support, even as you move. Because even the smallest muscles are activated, the body learns how to balance better, and your movements become more coordinated.

當你赤腳跑步時,你可以伸展腳趾,深入接觸地面,並利用快速的接觸獲得更堅實和聯繫更加緊密的支持基礎,即使在你移動時也是如此。 因爲即使是最小的肌肉被激活,身體也會學會如何更好地平衡,你的動作也會變得更加協調。


