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普及教育 universal education    

高等教育 higher education 

象牙塔 ivory tower

正規院校 regular universities and colleges

軍校 military academy

九年義務教育 nine-year compulsory education

學前教育 preschool education

失學兒童 dropout

文盲 illiteracy; illiterate

受過良好教育的 well-educated

入學率 enrollment rate

適齡兒童 school-age children

高考 college entrance examination

考研 take the entrance exams for postgraduate

讀研 attend graduate school

畢業典禮 graduation ceremony

畢業鑑定 graduation appraisal

畢業論文 graduation dissertation/thesis

畢業實習 graduation field work

授予學位 confer an academic degree on sb.

博士學位 doctor’s degree

碩士學位 master’s degree

學士學位 bachelor’s degree

在職博士生 on-job doctorate

研究生畢業證/學位證 graduate diploma/graduate degree’s diploma

中專生 secondary specialized student

在校大學生 undergraduate

中小學 elementary/primary and middle/secondary schools

擴招 scale expansion

擴大招生人數 enlarge school enrollment

走讀生 non-resident student

住校生 boarder

課外活動 extracurricular activity

必修課 required/compulsory course

選修課 elective/optional course

基礎課 basic course

專業課 specialized course

專業知識 specialized knowledge/expertise

開設課程 offer a course

課程表 school schedule

教學大綱 teaching program; syllabus

學分制 credit system

補考 make-up examination

學年 school year

師資力量 teaching faculty

應試教育 exam-oriented education system

推進素質教育 push ahead with education for all-around development

基本實現教育現代化 basically modernize education

招生就業指導 enrollment and vocation guidance

競爭激烈 fierce competition

評價體系 evaluation system

選拔官員/人才 select officials/talents



