
全網最酷美語怎麼說:第49期 人人有份

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Nick: Hi, everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series"how do you say this inAmerican English."大家好,我是Nick.
Brad: 大家好,我是Brad.
Nick: 有時候啊,逢年過節的,公司可能會發福利,比如哪天請大家吃飯,誰都可以去,就會說,人人有份,永不落空。或者你比如,像美國的大學,期末考試,也就是學期結束的時候,很多老師會帶一些糖啊甜甜圈啊來教室,然後大家就可以上去拿。這時候呢,為了避免擁擠,老師可能會說,別急啊,人人有份,永不落空。那這句話用美語怎麼說呢?因為Brad老師最近有點事,所以我暫時“假裝”模仿Brad老師的聲音,大家可以對照音訊和文字聽一下。
Nick: Hey Brad,you know what's funny? The last day of my linguistics class, my instructor gave us a lot of donuts!
Brad: Wow, I love donuts! They are awesome! You guys are so lucky!
Nick: Yeah but I heard Melisa's instructor gave them some candies at the end of this 's good as well.
Brad: Yeah candiesa re pretty good as well. Having said that, I still love donuts more. Did everyone get a donut? Coz I know you class is not a small one.
Nick: You are not wrong, we are a big class but the instructor gave us enough donuts, saying,“don't worry, they're up for grabs."
Brad: That's sickman! I love your instructor!
Nick: 在這裡呢,我們聊到了一個場景,就是說我的老師在學期結束的時候帶來了很多donuts,也就是甜甜圈給班上的同學。雖然我們班級不小,但是老師給的份量也是足夠,所以她說don't worry, up for grabs,就是說人人有份,永不落空的意思啦。So, this is pretty much it for today's class, I'll see you guys next time. Bye
Brad:Bye everyone

全網最酷美語怎麼說:第49期 人人有份



