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The Golden Globe awards showed us that co-hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are not just one-hit wonders, that 12 Years a Slave and American Hustle are best bets for Oscars, and that too many star performers cannot, for the life of them, ad-lib on stage.
金球獎頒獎典禮給了我們這些資訊:蒂娜•菲和艾米•波勒這兩個人的搭檔主持不只是曇花一現的精彩;《為奴十二載》(12 Years a Slave)和《美國騙局》(American Hustle)是有最可能摘得奧斯卡桂冠的影片;另外,許許多多的明星演員即使拼了老命,也無法在舞臺上做好即興演出。

What we saw on Sunday night was not just highly entertaining and thoroughly Tweetable; it was packed with performance lessons for everyone in business. Here are three:


1. Always prepare. Jacqueline Bisset, whom I've admired for her beauty and talent, was downright disoriented in her acceptance speech for Best Supporting Actress. The 69-year-old British actress showed us how awful it can be when you fail to prepare. No excuses, even if you think your chances of reaching the stage are remote. Here's how this translates to business: Don't assume you'll have no role to play in an upcoming meeting. Be ready to be called on. Every meeting, including social events, merits some degree of prep work. Back to Bisset, who won her Globe for her performance in the BBC's Dancing on the Edge: Maybe she decided to have a drink. While they poured, she should have had scrawled a few lines to say on stage, then smiled her radiant smile and all would have been good. That works for you too.
1. 隨時作好準備。我一直仰慕傑奎琳•貝塞特的美貌和才華,然而在得知榮獲金球獎最佳女配角獎後,她的致辭簡直是一團糟。我們從這位69歲的英國女演員身上看到:如果不提前做好準備,局面會有多麼糟糕。我們在這方面不能找任何藉口,即使你覺得走上舞臺的機會很小,也該做好準備。轉化到工作中就是這樣:不要以為即將召開的會議跟你沒有任何關係,你不用扮演任何角色——做好發表意見的準備吧。每一場會議,甚至是社交活動,都需要一定程度的準備。回到比塞特的例子中,她因為在英國廣播公司(BBC)的電視劇《邊緣之舞》(Dancing on the Edge)中的精彩表現而獲獎。得知獲獎時,她其實可以先喝杯酒鎮定一下。這樣,別人為她倒酒時,她就可以編好在舞臺上要說的話,說完之後再給出一個光芒四射的微笑,這樣整體效果就會很好。如果遇到相同情況,你也可以使用這一招。

2. Recognize your spotlight. Jennifer Lawrence also seemed surprised to win the Best Supporting Actress award in the film category, for American Hustle. But unlike Bisset, she pulled herself together. The 23-year-old Lawrence graciously pointed out the more seasoned actors she was up against. As she named them, the cameras focused on Helen Mirren, who appeared sanguine, and then Jessica Lange, who looked sour. Lange made me think of corporate presenters who look uninterested as a team partner speaks. They're either bored and/or assume that no one is looking at them. Better to model Ms. Mirren. You are always on stage.
2. 注意聚光燈的指向。得知因為《美國騙局》而獲得劇情/音樂/喜劇類最佳女配角獎時,詹妮弗•勞倫斯也表現得十分驚訝。但與比塞特不同,她很快恢復了鎮定。現年23歲的勞倫斯很有禮貌地提到了比她經驗更豐富的女演員海倫•米倫和潔西卡•蘭芝。她提到誰的名字,鏡頭就會對準誰,於是我們看到海倫•米倫神采奕奕的樣子,而潔西卡•蘭芝則表現得有點冷淡。蘭芝讓我想到了公司裡的一種人,他們在團隊成員說話時,總表現出一副冷淡、不感興趣的樣子。這些人要麼是真的覺得厭煩,要麼是以為沒有人會看他們,或者兩者兼而有之。當然,我們最好還是向海倫•米倫學習。要記得:你永遠都在舞臺上。

3. Make hay while the sun shines. Back in Kansas City, my hometown, that's the way they told us to make the most of the spotlight. I don't understand why more actors don't follow this advice. Every year at award shows, stars get up, one after another, and struggle to remember everyone who has had something to do with bringing them into the world and making them famous--while few in the audience know or care about the people they mention. These "winners" can't win. They inevitably forget someone important. They also miss opportunity. Better to do as Bono did: He and his band, U2, won a Globe for Ordinary Love, the song they wrote for Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. In his speech, Bono worked on persuading people to want to see the movie. Matthew McConaughey also scored, accepting the Best Actor in a Drama award for Dallas Buyers Club. Here's the corporate case: Too many business presenters waste time showing org charts—a sure snooze that typically comes at the start of a presentation when capturing attention is most critical. I say, park that unless it's sure to make me want to buy what you're selling.
3. 有機會就要好好抓住。在我的故鄉堪薩斯城,長輩們總是教導我們:有機會就要好好抓住。我不明白,為什麼越來越多的演員不再聽從這個勸告。每年的頒獎晚會上,明星們一個個地站上獎臺,費力地回憶一個個曾幫助他們走向世界併成名的人的名字——實際上,觀眾中很少有人知道,也絲毫不關心這裡面都有誰。這些“贏家”們在致辭這一問題上卻“失敗”了。不可避免地,他們總會忘記某些重要的人的名字;他們也喪失了一個很好的說話機會。在這點上,博諾的做法才是最好的。博諾和他的樂隊U2因為歌曲《平凡的愛》(Ordinary Love)而獲獎,這首歌是他們為電影《曼德拉:漫漫自由路》(Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)創作的。博諾在致辭中說勸人們都去看看這部電影。馬修•麥康納的致辭也不錯,他因為在《達拉斯買傢俱樂部》(Dallas Buyers Club)中的表演而獲得了劇情類最佳男主角獎。公司裡的情況則是這樣:演示剛開始時,許多發言人都會把時間浪費在組織結構圖上——這當然讓人犯困,因為這個時候抓住聽眾的注意力才是最最關鍵的!我的意見是,如果不能確定某樣圖表或資料能讓觀眾產生購買產品的慾望,就把它去掉吧。把這些全都去掉,只留下有用的東西,說完就立即鞠躬下臺!



