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The United Kingdom ranks as one of the most successful marriages in history. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have survived ancient hatreds, tribal rivalry and war. Each nation has been enriched by a journey of enlightenment, empire, shared energy and enterprise.

聯合王國(United Kingdom)是史上最成功的聯姻之一。英格蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾士和北愛爾蘭經歷過歷史恩怨、部落敵對和戰爭,卻最終走到了一起。啟蒙運動、帝國的輝煌、共同的活力與進取,這段旅程讓其中的每個民族都得到了豐富。

In seven days, this splendid mess of a union, to quote Simon Schama, the British historian, risks being separated into its national parts. Scotland will vote in a referendum to decide whether to stay in the UK or sunder bonds stretching back to 1707. Opinion polls suggest the result is too close to call, a prospect which has alarmed financial markets, wrongfooted allies and sent a complacent coalition government scrambling to find a last-minute sweetener to win over the Scots.

幾天後,這個“偉大而混亂的聯盟”(借用英國曆史學家西蒙•沙瑪(Simon Schama)的說法)就有可能分裂為不同的民族國家。蘇格蘭將在9月18日舉行公投,投票決定是繼續留在英國,還是割裂蘇格蘭與英格蘭自1707年起結成的聯盟。民意調查結果顯示,支援和反對獨立的票數可能過於接近、難有清晰的勝負。這一前景讓金融市場陷入了動盪,讓英國的盟友慌了神,讓原本自命不凡的英國聯合政府急急忙忙尋找最後時刻的籠絡手段,以爭取蘇格蘭人留下。


Empires and nation states are not immune to break-up, but there is little precedent for a hitherto stable modern democracy splitting in peacetime, in the middle of an economic recovery. This is not the time for recrimination. For the moment, it is enough for this newspaper to declare that the path of separation is a fool’s errand, one fraught with danger and uncertainty.


Scotland is a proud and vibrant nation. Scots have contributed disproportionately to the union. They have played a leading role in arts, commerce, literature, the military, politics and sport. But a vote in favour of secession would be an irreversible act with profound consequences, not merely for 5m Scots but also for the other 58m citizens of England, Wales and Northern Ireland (including 750,000 Scots living and working outside Scotland who under the terms of the referendum have no say on the future of their country).


The act of separation would diminish the UK in every international body, notably the EU. It would raise complex – and still unanswered – questions about the common defence of the British Isles, the future of the currency and political arrangements for the rest of the UK. Above all, a Yes vote would ignore the lessons of the 20th century, a chapter in European history indelibly scarred by narrow nationalism.


A union born of a now-lost empire is one entirely suited to the world of the 21st century. The nation states that prosper in the age of globalisation are ones that bind themselves together in mutual endeavour. The experience of small states in the wake of the financial crisis is far from happy. Iceland and Ireland were left cruelly exposed. Further east, the Baltic states, brave and resourceful as the Scots, are members of the EU and Nato but still feel vulnerable to the bear’s paw of a revanchist Russia.


The case against secession cannot rest on nostalgia, though the Better Together campaign has been lamentably short of passion compared with the energetic, well-funded Yes effort run by Alex Salmond, the beguiling first minister of Scotland. It must rest first on an understanding of the political forces which have made independence a tempting prospect for Scots, as well as a hard-nosed assessment of the risks involved for all concerned.

反對分裂不能只打懷舊牌,但令人扼腕的是,“在一起更好”(Better Together)運動與“獨立蘇格蘭”(Yes Scotland)運動相比太缺乏激情了。富有迷惑力的蘇格蘭首席大臣亞歷克斯•薩爾蒙德(Alex Salmond)領導的“獨立蘇格蘭”運動則充滿活力,且資金充裕。要有理有據地反對分裂,首先要理解是哪些政治作用力使得獨立成為蘇格蘭人嚮往的前景,並對涉及所有相關方的風險進行注重實際的評估。

The debate about devolving power to Scotland goes back more than a century. Keir Hardie, the Scottish Labour leader, proposed home rule in 1888 but his call carried little resonance. Scots were playing a leading role in ruling one-quarter of the world’s population. Glasgow was famed as the “second city of the empire”.

關於向蘇格蘭下放權力的辯論可追溯至一個多世紀以前。1888年,當時的蘇格蘭工黨領袖基爾•哈迪(Keir Hardie)曾呼籲蘇格蘭自治,但反響不大。那時的大英帝國統治著全世界四分之一的人口,而蘇格蘭人正積極參與這種統治。格拉斯哥在當時被譽為“大英帝國第二大城市”。

The ties that bind have loosened over the past 70 years. The empire is gone, and the workshop of the world is no more. Scotland’s transition to a post-industrialised economy has been painful, though its overall economic performance over recent decades has been strong.


England and Scotland have grown apart politically. In the 1950s, the Conservative and Unionist party – to remind David Cameron’s party of its proper name – had an absolute majority of parliamentary seats in Scotland. Today, the Tory party’s representation has shrunk to a single MP, partly a legacy of Margaret Thatcher’s ill-judged poll tax and the benign neglect of a strong pound which devastated manufacturing north and south of the border. The discovery of North Sea oil in the 1960s further reinforced Scottish nationalism.

英格蘭和蘇格蘭在政治上漸行漸遠。上世紀50年代,在英國國會裡代表蘇格蘭各選區的議席中,保守與統一黨(Conservative and Unionist party,保守黨的現任首相戴維•卡梅倫應注意,這才是保守黨的全稱)佔絕對多數。如今,託利黨(Tory party,保守黨的別稱——譯者注)議席縮減為僅1席。這在某種程度上要歸罪於瑪格麗特•撒切爾(Margaret Thatcher)當年失策的人頭稅,以及對英鎊走強的善意忽視(強勢英鎊摧毀了蘇格蘭和英格蘭的製造業)。上世紀60年代北海發現石油,進一步助長了蘇格蘭人的民族主義。

Tony Blair believed he could stymie the nationalist movement with more devolution of powers. His Labour government established a Scottish parliament at Holyrood. In retrospect, devolution did nothing to halt the secular decline of Labour in Scotland. Too many of the party’s heavyweights treated Scotland as a rotten borough to help them to power in London. Devolution may have encouraged further divergence on policies such as pensions, social care or university education from those in England.

託尼•布萊爾(Tony Blair)以為他可以通過加大權力下放來阻止民族主義運動。他領導的工黨政府在愛丁堡的聖路德(Holyrood)建立了蘇格蘭議會。回過頭來看,權力下放絲毫未能阻止工黨在蘇格蘭的長期衰落。工黨太多重量級人物都曾將蘇格蘭當作“爛行政區”(rotten borough,指《1832年改革法案》(Reform Act 1832)出臺前,英國的一些選民數量極少、因而選票容易被操縱的行政區——譯者注),借之幫助自己在倫敦高升。權力下放或許促使了蘇格蘭與英格蘭在養老、社會保障、大學教育等政策方面的差異進一步擴大。

Mr Salmond, a seasoned operator, has exploited the populist mood. Voters are angry about austerity caused by the financial crisis and alienated from the political establishment. Mr Salmond casts himself as an insurgent representing a new brand of civic nationalism in which the Scots will have control over their fate in a fresh young democracy.


Mr Salmond can tug on the emotions of his fellow countrymen but he has given few credible answers about the challenges – economic, social and international – which would face Scotland. His Panglossian pitch is that the Scots can have the best of all possible worlds: independence, the monarchy and the pound, and that a Scotland which retreats into a narrower nationalist identity will somehow be better equipped to prosper in a world of globalisation.


His argument contains glaring inconsistencies. A currency union demands a political union. The eurozone’s travails show us as much. Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, made clear again this week that political independence is incompatible with maintaining sterling as the currency of choice. Mr Salmond insists the English establishment is bluffing. This is no bluff. The currency uncertainty will blight every aspect of the Scottish economy, from commercial lending to mortgages. Without total clarity, every Scottish citizen is left exposed.

他的主張有顯而易見的矛盾之處。貨幣聯盟要求政治聯盟。歐元區的痛苦經歷就充分表明了這一點。英國央行(BoE)行長馬克•卡尼(Mark Carney)上週已明確表示,政治獨立與保留英鎊為法定貨幣,兩者不可兼得。薩爾蒙德堅稱,英格蘭當權派是在危言聳聽。但這不是危言聳聽。貨幣方面的不確定將讓蘇格蘭經濟的每個方面蒙上陰影,從商業貸款到抵押貸款。沒有充分的確定性,每個蘇格蘭公民都面臨風險。

Mr Salmond claims that separation is the best guarantee of future prosperity. His calculations are based on much wishful thinking covering vital matters such as the future oil price and how much of the UK’s debt would be assumed by the Scots. He presumes that it serves no one’s interest to be unreasonable about the terms of divorce, but he under-estimates the psychological shock. No one can predict the consequences.


Nor is it obvious why Scotland will gain early and automatic entry into the EU. Other European states with their own separatist movements – notably Spain – have little incentive to agree to a quick deal. The only certainty is uncertainty, at a high cost to Scotland and the UK. The shift of deposits and money out of Scotland this week is a harbinger.


There must be a better way. Britain needs a new political settlement that implements at home what it preaches in Europe: subsidiarity. For too long, the British government has imposed a “Whitehall-knows-best” policy on the nations and regions. More devolution is the answer, but not at any price. Mr Cameron and his London-based colleagues should tread carefully in the coming days. It is far from clear how England, the preponderant power, would fit into a federalised union in which Scotland enjoyed all political gifts short of independence.


Everything turns on the vote on September 18. It is not too late to remind the Scots and the rest of the UK how much they have benefited from being British. Great Britain stands for an expansive and inclusive view of the world. The union is something precious, not a bauble to be cast aside. In a week’s time, the Scots can vote with a sense of ambition to build on those successes. Rather than retreat into tribalism, they can continue to be part of a nation rooted not just in history and culture but a common destiny which over three centuries has served all so well.




