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1. 裁決書 verdict(用於陪審團)

2. 採信的證據 admitted evidence; established evidence

3. 草擬股權轉讓協議 drafting agreement of assignment of equityinterests

4. 查閲法條 source legal provisions

5. 產權轉讓 conveyancing

6. 第三人 third party

7. 吊銷執業證 revocation of lawyer license

8. 調查筆錄 investigative record

9. 調查取證 investigation and gathering for evidence

10. 調解 mediation

11. 法學博士學位 LL.D (Doctor of Laws)

12. 法學會 law society

13. 法學課程 legal courses

14. 房地產律師 real estate lawyer; real property lawyer

15. 非合夥律師 associate lawyer

16. 非訴訟業務 non-litigation practice

17. 公司上市 company listing

18. 公訴案件 public-prosecuting case

19. 公證書 notarial certificate

20. 國辦律師事務所 state-run law office

21. 合同審查、草擬、修改 contract review, drafting and revision

22. 會見當事人 interview a client

23. 抗訴書 protest

24. 控告人 accuser; complainant

25. 跨國訴訟 transnational litigation

26. 律師事務所 law office; law firm

27. 律師收費 billing by lawyer


28. 律師網站 lawyer website

29. 民事訴訟 civil litigation

30. 派出所 local police station; police substation

31. 判決 judgement(用於民事、行政案件);

32. 申請人 petitioner; claimant

33. 申訴案件 appeal case

34. 申訴人(仲裁) claimant; plaintiff

35. 申訴書 appeal for revision, petition for revision

36. 司法統一考試 uniform judicial exam

37. 送達 service of process

38. 訴訟 litigation; action; lawsuit

39. 行政訴訟 administrative litigation

40. 休庭 adjourn the court; recess

41. 宣判 pronounce judgement; determination

42. 宣誓書 affidavit

43. 業務進修 attendance in advanced studies

44. 仲裁 arbitration

45. 仲裁案件 arbitration case

46. 仲裁機構 arbitration agency




