
林語堂生辰:兩腳踏東西文化 一心評宇宙文章大綱

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他具有深厚的古典文學修養;他筆鋒犀利,見解深刻,言辭恣意酣暢不拘一格;他行文隨意隨情隨性,痛快淋漓處讓人喝彩,幽默詼諧處使人莞爾,真情流露處令人動容,嬉笑怒罵間每每發人深省。他就是林語堂。他不僅在文學上頗有建樹,還是一個不折不扣的發明家。數十年間鍥而不捨地研究探索,他最終成功發明 了“明快中文打字機”,並於1946年在美國申請專利。今天是林語堂的生辰,讓我們一起懷念這位大師。

Lin Yutang (October 10, 1895 – March 26, 1976) was a Chinese writer and inventor. His informal but polished style in both Chinese and English made him one of the most influential writers of his generation, and his compilations and translations of classic Chinese texts into English were bestsellers in the West.

林語堂生辰:兩腳踏東西文化 一心評宇宙文章

Lin studied for his bachelor's degree at Saint John's University in Shanghai, then received a half-scholarship to continue study for a doctoral degree at Harvard University.

His many works represent an attempt to bridge the cultural gap between the East and the West. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature several times in the 1970s.

His representative works include Moment in Peking , A Leaf in the Storm, The Vermillion Gate, Between Tears and Laughter,My Country and My People, etc.

林語堂 -生活的藝術 01 wake up and live

I have often thought of formulas by which the mechanism of human progress and historical change can be expressed. They seem to be as follows:

Reality - Dreams = Animal Being

Reality + Dreams = A Heart-ache (usually called Idealism)

Reality + Humour = Realism (also called Conservatism)

Dreams - Humour = Fanaticism

Dreams + Humour = Fantasy

Reality + Dreams + Humour = Wisdom


現三 夢二 幽二 敏一 等於英國人
現二 夢三 幽三 敏三 等於法國人
現三 夢三 幽二 敏二 等於美國人
現三 夢四 幽一 敏二 等於德國人
現二 夢四 幽一 敏一 等於俄國人
現二 夢三 幽一 敏一 等於日本人
現四 夢一 幽三 敏三 等於中國人




