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Charlize Theron attends a dinner in New York.

Do Choose a Sophisticated Monochromatic Look. 選擇一款時尚單色圍巾

Tone-on-tone scarf and outfit looks work best with neutrals — black, navy, camel, cream. Charlize Theron's all-black is elegant because she paired a long knit scarf with a metallic jacket. Get This Look: Take a long scarf and hold it in front of you. Twist it a few times in the middle, then toss the ends straight over your back. Bring each end back to the front on the opposite side and leave the ends to dangle.

單色圍巾最適合中性風格——尤其是黑色,藏青,脱色或奶油色。長款針織圍巾搭配金屬光澤的夾克襯得Charlize Theron的全黑裝束優雅時尚。 小貼士:圍一款長圍巾,在胸前轉幾圈,把圍巾末端甩到身後,再從另一邊繞到胸前懸垂。

冬季如何搭配好圍巾呢? 第2張

Faith Hill attends an awards ceremony in Tennessee.

Don't Think a Scarf Can Save a Bad Outfit. 別以為圍條圍巾就能挽救失敗的衣着。

Even gorgeous Faith Hill looks frumpy in a voluminous shirt and skinny scarf. Faux Pas to Fab: Save skinny scarves for more fitted tops and jackets. Although monochromatic looks can be chic, they can also be boring unless you mix textures.

即使是時尚的Faith Hill穿上顯胖襯衫,圍上窄圍巾也會顯得俗氣。 小貼士:窄圍巾還是搭配貼身的上衣或夾克吧。雖然單色圍巾很時尚,但沒搭配適合的材質,它會看上去很單調。

冬季如何搭配好圍巾呢? 第3張

Anjelica Huston attends a film festival.

Do Wear a Flattering Color Next to Your Face. 選擇亮色可提亮膚色。

A flattering pop of color —— like Anjelica Huston's choice of a red scarf — can add lots of excitement to a winter coat look. Get This Look: Wear a long, fringed winter scarf — in cashmere, blends, wool or knit.

選擇喜慶的顏色,就像Anjelica Huston的大紅圍巾,可以給冬天笨重的衣着平添樂趣。 小貼士:選擇一條長款帶流蘇的圍巾——羊絨,混紡,羊毛或編制的。

冬季如何搭配好圍巾呢? 第4張

Julianne Moore attends a charity auction.

Don't Overwhelm Your Look with a Scarf. 別讓圍巾蓋過你的整體造型。

It may have been a stab at being trendy, but Julianne Moore's oversized scarf looks like it's choking her. Faux Pas to Fab: Skip the trend of giant knotted scarves on your neck, and go for a more timeless look with a simply draped scarf.

曾經有一陣兒流行這樣,但Julianne Moore這條誇張的圍巾好像要勒死她一樣。 小貼士:將大圍巾打結的戴法就別考慮了,簡潔的打褶圍巾更經典。

冬季如何搭配好圍巾呢? 第5張

Olivia Palermo attends a screening in New York.

Do Make a Scarf Your Spotlight Accessory. 讓圍巾成為你衣着的亮點。

Olivia Palermo's white scarf, which contrasts nicely with her black pantsuit, is all she needs for a sophisticated evening look. Get This Look: Start with a long scarf, holding it midpoint in front of your neck. Toss the ends over your back, then pull the ends forward on the opposite sides of your shoulder and leave the ends to dangle.

Olivia Palermo的白色圍巾與她的黑色褲裝相得益彰,正適合這種社交晚會。 小貼士:將長圍巾從前往後繞過脖子一圈,在胸前打個結,將圍巾兩端懸垂於胸前。

冬季如何搭配好圍巾呢? 第6張

Diane Krueger at a party in Berlin.

Don't Throw on a Scarf as an Afterthought. 別事後才想起你的圍巾。

Throwing on a random scarf with an cocktail dress doesn't work for Diane Krueger. Faux Pas to Fab: Eveningwear works best with a pashmina shawl, gracefully draped around the shoulders.

匆忙選擇一條圍巾來搭配酒會禮服顯然不適合Diane Krueger。 小貼士:晚禮服和披肩是最好的組合,既高貴又美麗。

冬季如何搭配好圍巾呢? 第7張

Kelly Osbourne attends a store opening in California.

Do Try a Print Scarf. 試試格子圍巾。

Kelly Osbourne's natty Burberry plaid scarf sets off her coat perfectly. Get This Look: Loosely drape a long scarf around the front of your neck, pulling the ends over opposite sides and letting them hang free.

Kelly Osbourne所戴的Burberry格子圍巾和她的外套十分搭配。 小貼士:鬆鬆地圍着一條長圍巾,使圍巾的兩頭自然地垂在身體的一前一後。

冬季如何搭配好圍巾呢? 第8張

Cameron Diaz in California.

Do Wear a Scarf for Dressy Events. 去宴會別忘了你的圍巾。

Cameron Diaz adds color and warmth with a scarf tossed over a dress. Get This Look: Use a larger scarf or shawl and toss the ends over each side. You can use a decorative brooch to keep it in place.

Cameron Diaz利用圍巾增加了裝扮的暖色色調。 小貼士:用大圍巾或披肩圍在肩上,你可以用胸針固定。

冬季如何搭配好圍巾呢? 第9張

Naomi Watts attends a film festival in New York.

Don't Overaccessorize. 飾品不要過多。

A scarf and a floppy hat for Naomi Watts is too much of a good thing. Faux Pas to Fab: Wear a smaller brimmed or knit hat with a large scarf so the two accessories don't compete with each other.

對於Naomi Watts來説,圍巾和大沿兒軟帽可不是好搭配。 小貼士:戴個小沿兒帽或針織帽,這樣你的帽子和圍巾就不會打架了。



