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After sitting on a series of all-male conference panels, Owen Barder started answering speaking invitations with more than a yes or no.

在參加了一系列會議上全是男性的小組討論後,歐文•巴爾德(Owen Barder)開始不再只用可以或不行來回復發言邀請了。

I got into the habit of writing back and saying: ‘Have you thought about inviting a woman instead?’ says Mr Barder, director of the Center for Global Development in Europe, a research group.

我養成了寫回信的習慣,在回覆時表示:‘你考慮過邀請一位女士來代替嗎?’巴爾德稱。他是研究組織歐洲全球發展中心(Center for Global Development in Europe)主任。

He is not alone in pointing out the predominance of conference panels consisting of men.


Hundreds of posts submitted to a Tumblr social media account show photographs of all-male panels.


Accompanying each post is the headline: Congrats, you have an all-male panel! along with an ironic depiction of masculinity in the form of actor David Hasselhoff giving a thumbs-up.

每個帖子都配有標題:恭喜,你們舉行了一次全是男人組成的小組討論!還有諷刺男子氣概的配圖——男演員大衞•哈塞爾霍夫(David Hasselhoff)豎起大拇指。

The dearth of women in public speaking reflects broader issues, from the lack of female chief executives to the predominance of men on corporate boards, particularly in industries such as technology, engineering, investing and financial services.


Historically men have dominated panels, and this isn’t surprising when you look at senior leadership in organisations and see mostly white men, says Anna Beninger, research director at Catalyst, a non-profit body dedicated to promoting workplace diversity.

歷史上,男性一直主導着小組討論,你看看組織高層大部分都是白人男性,就不會對此意外了,致力於推動職場多元化的非盈利組織Catalyst的研究主管安娜•貝寧格(Anna Beninger)稱。

All-male panels are now prompting criticism that makes them a public relations liability for organisations running events.


In Sweden, a campaign with the label #TackaNej (which translates roughly as no thanks) is attracting supporters, from media personalities to academics and entrepreneurs, who refuse to take part in conferences and panel discussions that have no female speakers.


GenderAvenger, a US-based campaign group, uses crowdsourcing to collect data on the gender balance of conference panels.


Its app allows conference speakers and attendees to enter the gender balance of a panel, using the event’s hashtag and title.


The app creates a pie chart showing the ratio of men to women, which can be posted instantly on Twitter or Facebook.


GenderAvenger has an online Hall of Fame and a Hall of Shame that uses Twitter hashtags to solicit information tracking how organisations are performing when it comes to the gender diversity of their events.


We are all about calling it out, says Susan Askew, co-founder of the group.

該組織的共同創始人蘇珊•艾斯丘(Susan Askew)稱,我們只是把情況説出來。

A dearth of women speaking at events poses much more than a PR problem, say campaigners.


When you only have men on a panel, it suggests that women’s perspectives aren’t relevant — they literally don’t have a voice in these settings, says Ms Beninger. It also reinforces the perception that women don’t have the skills necessary to sit on a panel.


In addition, all-male panels mean young women in the audience have no role models of their own gender to look to.


One of the reasons this anomaly is attracting attention is that, while an absence of women at board meetings or in an office might pass unnoticed by those outside an organisation, panels are very public demonstrations of gender diversity — or the lack of it.


Experts however see dangers in selecting speakers on the basis of gender.


It’s really important that women are not there only to represent the viewpoint of women but to serve as experts in their field, says Elisabeth Kelan, director of the Global Centre for Gender and Leadership at Cranfield School of Management.

克蘭菲爾德管理學院(Cranfield School of Management)全球性別和領導力中心(Global Centre for Gender and Leadership)主管伊麗莎白•凱蘭(Elisabeth Kelan)稱,重要的是,女性參加討論不僅是為了代表女性觀點,而是作為相關領域的專家。

Moreover, conference organisers who want to include women may not always find it easy to meet gender targets.


Since there are fewer women in senior positions in public life, it becomes that much harder to find a woman who is free and available, says Mr Barder.


The answer is to be better organised and invite people sooner.


Including women on teams that organise events appears to help.


In a 2014 study, the American Society for Microbiology found that committees with at least one woman on them were less likely than teams composed entirely of men to come up with events consisting of all-male panels.

在2014年一項研究中,美國微生物學會(American Society for Microbiology)發現,至少包括一名女性成員的委員會舉辦全部為男性的小組討論的可能性,低於全部由男性組成的團隊。

Resources are now available to help conference organisers find more female speakers.


For example, Women in Research, a support group, has a database of market research experts, half of whom are women.

例如,支持組織女性研究員(Women in Research)建立了一個市場研究專家的數據庫,其中一半專家為女性。

One organisation has gone further: Great Women Speakers, based in Oregon, has a database comprising only female speakers.

還有一個組織走得更遠:位於俄勒岡州的偉大女性發言者(Great Women Speakers)的數據庫內只有女性發言者。

BiasWatchNeuro, a website that tracks the speaker composition of conferences on neuroscience — a field in which women account for about a third of workers — draws attention to events where men make up the entire panel.


Some events organisers welcome the campaigns aimed at ending all-male panels.


The trend is positive, says Leo von Bülow-Quirk, managing director for Europe at Chartwell, a global speakers agency.

趨勢是積極的,全球演講者代理機構Chartwell的歐洲區董事總經理萊奧•馮•比洛-夸克(Leo von Bülow-Quirk)表示。

But he adds: We still have a long way to go.




