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就在昆汀•塔倫蒂諾(Quentin Tarantino)的新片《被解救的姜戈》(Django Unchained)在中國大規模公映後沒幾分鐘,中國的影片發行管理機構緊急叫停了這部影片。在北京的一家影院,影迷原本希望看到一名獲得自由的奴隸在美國南方展開血腥報復的故事,結果才看了幾個鏡頭影院的燈就亮了。

Chinese film authorities yanked Quentin Tarantino's 'Django Unchained' from the nation's movie screens Thursday morning, just moments after the film went into wide release. In one Beijing theater, moviegoers hoping to see the tale of a 19th-century former slave wreaking bloody vengeance across the American South saw only moments of the film before the lights came back on.


'About one minute after the film began, several people in suits came in and the film stopped,' said Xue Yutao, a 27-year-old photographer and Tarantino fan who attended a 10:15 a.m. showing.


'At first we were shocked and didn't know what to do,' Mr. Xue said. 'Then we all giggled, because it felt so ridiculous.'

據影院工作人員透露以及影院經營方在網上貼出的通知顯示,受政府控制的影片發行機構中國電影集團公司(China Film Group Corp.)以“技術原因”為由叫停了影片的放映。中國電影集團公司、該片的另一位發行方華夏電影發行有限責任公司(Huaxia Film Distribution Co.)以及中國的審查機構國家新聞出版廣電總局沒有迴應記者的置評請求。

China Film Group Corp., the state-controlled film distributor, cited 'technical reasons' for its decision to pull the film, according to theater employees and theater operators who posted notices online. The company, co-distributor Huaxia Film Distribution Co. and China's censorship office, the State Administration of Press, Publications, Radio, Film and Television, didn't respond to requests for comment.

該片的國際發行商、索尼影視娛樂有限公司(Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.)駐洛杉磯的發言人説,我們很遺憾《被解救的姜戈》被停映,我們正在與中國有關部門合作,以確定是否重新放映這部電影。

'We regret that 'Django Unchained' has been removed from theaters and are working with the Chinese authorities to determine whether the film can be rescheduled,' said a spokesman in Los Angeles for Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., the film's international distributor.


Mr. Tarantino, the movie's director, made minor cuts to some of the most violent and sexually explicit moments to win approval from Chinese censors, a person involved with the picture said.

來自片方的一位人士透露,索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下索尼影視娛樂公司以及該片在美國的發行商Weinstein Co.的高管意外地發現,該片已經從中國的影院下線,且中方沒有告知此舉的原因。Weinstein的發言人説,該公司首席執行長(CEO)温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)對此不予置評。

Executives at Sony +1.63% Pictures, a unit of Sony Corp., and Weinstein Co., the movie's U.S. distributor, were surprised to find that the movie had been removed from Chinese screens and haven't been given a reason, a person within one of the studios said. A Weinstein spokesman said Chief Executive Harvey Weinstein declined to comment.


While film censorship isn't new in China, the abrupt about-face was unusual because controversial movies rarely make it through the approval process to begin with. It also offered a reminder of the barriers Western studios face in China, despite making considerable inroads in recent years.


The move prompted a flurry of online speculation in China over whether the film's extreme violence, brief male and female nudity or gleeful depiction of rebellion were behind the decision.


The decision was 'very unreasonable, very conservative and very foolish,' said Lie Wen, a Beijing-based film critic. Mr. Lie saw the Chinese version of the film at its premiere on Tuesday and said only a few gunfight scenes near the end had been cut from the original.

傑米•福克斯(Jamie Foxx)在片中出演一個奴隸出身的賞金獵人,為了救出妻子,他血洗美國南方的一個種植園。該片因為暴力的槍戰場面以及一些評論家所説的對奴隸制聳人聽聞的描繪而在美國引發爭議。塔倫蒂諾憑藉該片贏得了奧斯卡最佳原創劇本獎。扮演另一位賞金獵人的克里斯托弗•瓦爾茲(Christoph Waltz)則獲得了最佳男配角獎。

The film stars Jamie Foxx as a slave-turned-bounty hunter who lays waste to a Southern plantation to save his wife. The film sparked controversy in the U.S. for its violent gunfights and what some critics said were lurid depictions of slavery. Mr. Tarantino won an Academy Award for best original screenplay for the film. Christoph Waltz, who plays a bounty hunter, won for best supporting actor.


People in the industry said China's regulators in recent years have relaxed censorship, particularly for domestic films, and are allowing exhibition of more movies that contain nudity, violence and even politically sensitive issues. Chinese romantic comedy 'Seeking Mr. Right,' which has taken in $62.5 million at the box office in its nearly three weeks of release, according to film research company EntGroup, features social themes that are sensitive here, including lesbianism, extramarital affairs, and traveling abroad to have babies to gain citizenship or better medical care. Chinese-Hong Kong action film 'Drug War,' in theaters now, tells the story of a drug lord and shows characters using cocaine.


Easing censorship has been a gradual process, an EntGroup spokeswoman said. 'This isn't the U.S., where nearly everything is allowed, but there has been much progress over the past few years,' the spokeswoman said.


Hollywood filmmakers have been eager to get their films into China, where box-office sales surged 30% to $2.74 billion last year, according to the government. China in a deal with the U.S. last year agreed to allow an additional 14 foreign movies a year into China, up from 20, as long as they are in 3-D or jumbo form.

《被解救的姜戈》並非首部在中國遇阻的影片。今年1月,在發現審查機構將最新一部邦德影片《天幕危機》(Skyfall)中的幾個場景剪掉之後,中國網民在各大社交網站上對此發表了大量負面評論。業內人士認為,類似華納兄弟(Warner Bros.)發行的最新一部蝙蝠俠影片《黑暗騎士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)以及索尼影視娛樂發行的《超凡蜘蛛俠》(The Amazing Spider-Man)等好萊塢冒險影片在去年同一天上映的情況是官方為了限制進口影片票房收入而做出的舉措。

'Django' isn't the first film to face difficulties in China. Chinese citizens flooded social-media sites in January with negative comments after discovering that Beijing watchdogs snipped scenes from the James Bond movie Skyfall.'And some other Hollywood adventure movies─such as Warner Bros.' latest Batman installment, 'The Dark Knight Rises,' and Sony Pictures' 'The Amazing Spider-Man'─were released on the same dates last year in what some people in the industry said they believed was an effort by Beijing to limit box-office grosses.



