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There is no future for Jews in France as long as Europeans refuse to confront the tacit acceptance of violence by many of the continent's Muslims.


That an assault on Jews would follow an assault on cartoonists came as no surprise. Indeed, there was a grim, if not explicitly expressed, foreboding in the aftermath of Thursday's attacks on the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo that the Jews would come next. For satirists and Jews are markers of modernity, and it is modernity that the Islamists who committed these heinous atrocities detest most. It was tragically fitting, then, that one of their first victims would have been Ahmed Merabet, a French Muslim police officer posted to guard the offices of Charlie Hebdo. Here, in one horrible act, was the beauty of Western coexistence and secularism over the 7th century hell these monsters want to drag us back: a Muslim police officer giving his life to protect cartoonists who had come under threat for mocking Islam.



The Paris neighborhood of the Marais has long been home to both the city's vibrant gay and Orthodox Jewish communities. A resident of the Marais once playfully told me that, looking out his door every morning, he unfailingly sees “a heavily bearded man dressed in black” on one side and “a heavily bearded man dressed in tighter black” on another - the leather crowd at times indistinguishable from the ultra-religious one. Whatever their many differences, the two groups have co-existed peacefully for decades, lending the Marais a distinct charm and color.

巴黎瑪萊附近的街區一直以來都是這座城市中充滿活力的同性戀者和極端正統的猶太社團的聚集地。一位住在瑪萊區的居民曾開玩笑的告訴我説,每天早上從他的門口向外看去,總能看見一個身着黑衣的大鬍子男人在街的一邊,而另一邊則會看到一個同樣身着黑衣的大鬍子男人,只是他的黑衣是緊身的 - 在這裏那些身着皮衣的同性戀們常常難以同那些極端虔誠的猶太教徒們區分開來。不管這兩個團體之間存在着多少差異,他們在這一地區幾十年來都一直和平相處,這也形成了瑪萊區獨特的魅力和色彩。

Upon hearing about yesterday's events in Paris—the murder of four hostages at a kosher grocery and the subsequent shuttering of Jewish institutions across the city, the gory sequel to Thursday's slaughter of 12 people at Charlie Hebdo offices—my thoughts turned immediately to an evening last September when I was strolling through the Marais' windy and narrow streets. I came across the Notre Dame de Nazareth synagogue, a grand, 19th century building constructed in the Moorish revival style that serves the city's Sephardic Jews, those who come from North Africa.


The rabbi happened to be walking out of the synagogue with his wife. After dispensing with the facts of my Jewish background and American citizenship, I promptly asked, "What's the situation?” Our shared patrimony obviated any need for further elaboration; as a European Jew addressing an American one, he knew exactly at what I was aiming. "There is no future for Jews in France," he said.


If the Rabbi is right, and I fear he is, than it means that there is no future for Jews in Europe. For France is home to the continent's largest Jewish community, numbered at over half a million. But it is declining rapidly. Emigration to Israel from France doubled in 2014 from 3,400 to 7,000 people. According to Israel's Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption, the number of Jews leaving Western Europe for the Jewish State increased 88 percent last year. These numbers do not fully account for the Jewish flight from Europe, as significant numbers are leaving for America and other lands. This week's events will surely lead to even higher rates of emigration.


It is hard to deal with a problem, however, when you studiously avoid naming it. This is a curious characteristic of Europe's anti-Semitism predicament, in which too many are hesitant to identify victims and perpetrators, that is, when they even concede that such categories exist. Writing live from the hostage scene for the Jewish website Tablet yesterday, French journalist Marc Weitzmann noted that, "On TV and on the radio up to this moment, no one—no one—is mentioning or discussing that the hostages are Jews. No one. It's strange."


Weitzmann then shared this chilling anecdote regarding the attack on Charlie Hebdo. "I spoke to a person who teaches history in a high school in one of the suburban Cités," Weitzmann wrote. "He told me that this is a complete disaster. Teachers are afraid to mention the events. He told me that in his school, students are asking to debate the massacre—and they are justifying it. Thirteen-year-olds, 14-year-olds saying, 'You shouldn't insult the Prophet. The killing is justified.'"

威茲曼把關於這次襲擊事件的令人心寒的故事分享到了《查理週刊》。“我與一名巴黎市郊的高中歷史教師交談過,”, 威茲曼寫道:“他説這完全是一個災難。教師們不敢提及這些事件。他告訴我在他所在的學校,學生們要求討論屠殺事件,他們認為這是正當的。13,4歲的孩子們都説,'你們不能侮辱先知。屠殺是伸張正義'。”

Rather than focus on alarming views that appear to be prevalent among young French Muslims, many in the media would rather talk about the inevitable “backlash” that Muslims will endure. Concomitant with nearly every story about jihadism in Europe is a warning about the far right taking political advantage of the situation.

很多媒體人不是把焦點集中在年輕的法國穆斯林當中流行的一些令人堪憂的想法上,他們寧肯討論穆斯林所要忍受的不可避免的“反擊”。 在歐洲跟隨每一次聖戰後而來的都是對極右翼利用政治形勢的警告。

As if by rote, The New York Times could not help but insert early into its story about yesterday's terror that the events "set off soul-searching about the integration of Muslims in France's impoverished immigrant suburbs." But it is not French assimilation policies (or the lack thereof) that are to blame for this week's deadly acts. There are plenty of "impoverished immigrants" all over the world who do not condone, never mind perpetrate, acts of violence over cartoons. And 72 peecent of French people, according to Pew Research, have a "favorable" impression of Muslims, putting the lie to the claim that France is "Islamophobic."


What's responsible for this week's murders in France is the same thing that's responsible for the murder of some 2,000 innocent people in Nigeria, and over 100 students in Peshawar: violent Islamism. It is an ideology that is to blame, an ideology that is embraced by millions of people, many of whom have no intention of committing violence against infidels, heretics and other enemies of the faith but nonetheless tacitly condone it. And it is this ideology—not a phantom neo-Nazism—that is driving today's Jews out of Europe.


"The Jewish community feels itself on the edge of a seething volcano," says Shimon Samuels, the Paris-based Director of International Relations for the Simon Wiesenthal Center. "A culture of excuse exonerates the perpetrators as 'disaffected, alienated, frustrated, unemployed.' No other group of frustrated unemployed has resorted to such behavior. Until politicians and media define the problem as jidahism remote-controlled from mosques in France and not only the Middle-East the cancer will not be isolated and destroyed."

“猶太人社區感覺自己正坐在即將噴發的火山上,“西蒙·維森塔爾中心在巴黎的國際關係主任Shimon Samuels説。”寬恕的文化認為這些人是“憤憤不平的,被疏遠的,失意的和失業的,所以才犯下了這些罪行。”但是其他失業的和失意的人羣並沒有訴諸這種暴力行為。除非政治家和媒體將這些問題定義為從法國清鎮市裏遠程控制的聖戰行為,不僅僅從中東進行遠程控制,否則我們將無法隔絕和摧毀這個癌症。

The longer this unwillingness to name and confront the problem goes on, the more succor well meaning elites inadvertently lend to those who would paint the world's Muslims with one single, simple, bigoted, broad brush. Yes, extreme right parties like France's National Front will likely benefit from the events of this week. But their rise has been fostered as much by the unwillingness of many mainstream politicians, on both left and right, to speak clearly about the challenges facing France on this front. This failure on the part of responsible political leaders has allowed irresponsible voices—like the National Front's Marinne Le Pen—to fill the void.

越是長時間的不去面對這些問題,那麼善意的精英們就會在不經意間向那些抹黑全世界穆斯林的人提供更多的幫助。是的,像法國國民陣線這樣的極端右翼團體可能會從本週的事件中獲得好處。但是該團體的崛起在很大程度上還受到了很多主流政治家的支持,因為這些主流政治家(不管是左翼還是右翼)不願意就法國在這方面所遇到的問題發出清晰的聲音。正是因為這些政治家沒有發出自己的聲音,所以才讓不負責任的聲音有了可乘之機,比如國民陣線的Marinne Le Pen。

Things will get worse, before, or even if, they get better. "Unfortunately, it looks like the calm before the storm," the Wiesenthal Center's Samuels writes. As I read the grim headlines from Paris, I was reminded of another encounter in another European city, Berlin, specifically at the Opernplatz where the Nazis staged one of their most infamous book burnings in 1933. One of the authors whose works they incinerated was the great German poet, Heinrich Heine, whose epigraph now lines a memorial marking this historically ominous event: "That was but a prelude; where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people as well." And where they drive out and kill Jews, they will ultimately drive out and kill you, too.

在事情好轉之前局勢可能會變得更糟.”不幸的是,這好像是暴風雨前的平靜” 維森塔爾中心(一個為了紀念在第二次世界大戰中被納粹殺害的猶太人而成立的國際人權組織)的塞繆爾寫道,當我看到巴黎的可怕的消息時,我想到發生在歐洲的另一個城市柏林的與此相似的的事情,1933年,就在柏林的倍倍爾廣場上,納粹上演了他最臭名昭著的焚書事件.海因裏希.海涅是德國的一位偉大的詩人,也是作品被燒者中的一員,他的碑文現在是這件不幸的歷史事件的紀念性標誌.”這只是一個前奏,哪裏燒書的地方,最後也會燒人”並且在驅逐並殺害猶太人的地方,他們也會殺死你們。



