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In this section you will hear nine statements. At the end of the statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following nine questions.

1. Who is the speaker?

A. An insurance agent.

B. A fireman.

C. A safeguard.

D. A politician.

2. What can we infer about Susan?

A. She dresses fashionably as she spends plenty of money on them.

B. She looks fashionable though she doesn’t spend much on dresses.

C. She doesn’t spend much money on her dresses.

D. She often spends too much money on her dresses.

3. What does the statement mean?

A. The room was too dry.

B. The room was not dry enough.

C. The paint was wet.

D. The paint was too dry.

4. We learn from the statement that

A. Lucy is very interested in video games.

B. Lucy shows no interest in video games.

C. Lucy often plays video games if she is free.

D. Lucy plays better than her friends.

5. What can we learn about Andrew?

A. His petrol is used up.

B. He just got his car filled.

C. His car had a little petrol left when reaching the garage.

D. He had a car accident.

6. The speaker suggests that

A. appearances are not important.

B. appearances are everything.

C. lothes make the men.

D. we should never trust appearances.

7. What does the speaker say about Thurber?

A. He is a great writer.

B. His blind eye prevented him from writing good novels.

C. His success depended on his childhood experience.

D. He worked so hard in writing as to lose one of his eyes.

8. What does the speaker imply?

A. I knew the time of the concert from him.

B. He didn’t tell me the time of the concert.

C. He told me the time of the concert, but it was unnecessary.

D. The concert began before I knew the time.

9. The speaker suggests that

A. we should read every two lines carefully.

B. we should find hidden and implied meanings.

C. we should keep our eyes open for the book.

D. we should get the meaning of every word.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A


1. “我認為你們的保險單沒有劃定看待火災造成的損失蹤的保障。”

本題要求判定措辭人的身份。 如不美觀只聽到隻言片語,如policy就會受到D: 政治家 的干擾, 或fire而受到B: 消防隊員 的干擾;只有聽清全文,聯繫上下文,才可判定出這裏policy意思是“保險單,保險契約”,而非“政策”,也才能猜測出其職業應為A: 保險代辦代庖人。

2. “儘管Susan在銀行有年夜筆存款, 但她的'衣服卻一點兒也不時髦。”

由though指導的暗示讓步功能的分句, 暗示Susan儘管有錢卻不買時髦的衣服,即在衣服上破耗不多,C最合適題意。 anything but: 除…之外,恰恰不,決不

3. “油漆匠建議等房間牆壁幹一些後再粉刷。”

換句話説房間的牆壁不夠幹而不能粉刷, 與油漆不妨。是以應選B。

4. “Lucy寧可什麼也不做, 也不願整晚打遊戲機。” 也就是説Lucy最不願意玩遊戲機了。 B最接近原意。. would rather …than… = would sooner…than…: 寧可…而不…, 最好…而不…

5. “Andrew的車剛開到車庫, 汽油就用完了。”

A: 他的汽油用完了;B: 他剛給車加滿油; C: 到車庫時,他的車還剩一點油; D: 他碰着了車禍。體味詞組run out of (用完,耗盡)也就能選出A為正確謎底。

6. “外表可能是靠不住的。”也就是説不能以貌取人,依靠外表作出判定,D: 不要相信外表 與此寄義最接近。

7. “Thurber在童年時的一次事情中弄瞎了一隻眼睛, 但他仍在寫作生涯生計中獲得了成功。”

despite of = in spite of : 儘管,任憑,是表達轉折, 讓步關係的介詞詞組。 文中説盡管Thurber在失蹤去一隻眼睛的晦氣情形下,仍成為了個成功的作家。 A:他是個偉年夜的作家 與此最接近。

8. “他其實不必告訴我音樂會的時刻, 我已經知道了。”

作為情態助動詞,need一般只用於否認句擬訂合同問句。 “needn’t + 不定式完成體”暗示曩昔原本不必做某事卻做了。是以原句可理解為“其實他不必告訴我, 但他告訴了。” 所以C為最佳選擇。

此外:“needn’t do / don’t need to”暗示沒有需要而不去做。

9. “在閲讀過程中, 我們必需年夜字裏行間體味隱含之意。”

in the course of …: 在…過程中

理解詞組read between the lines: (年夜字裏行間﹑言詞﹑步履中) 體味言外之意﹑體味隱含之意 就不難理解本題的真實寄義,年夜而選出正確謎底B。




