
正能量教學 網絡的正確打開方式

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What are bitcoins, and should you invest in them? How many calories do you burn while riding a bike for an hour? What's the best way to unclog a toilet? No matter what the question is, you can find the answer on the internet.

While many of us remember what life was like before the World Wide Web, few of us can imagine the future without it. The ability to search for answers to an embarrassing question or communicate with people from across the globe — all with the stroke of a keyboard — would be pretty hard to give up. And with faster broadband networks and WiFi hotspots everywhere we turn, many of us stay connected nearly 24 hours a day.

正能量教學 網絡的正確打開方式

We've put together our own list of a few things the internet can do to make life easier and more enjoyable for everyone. We may take most of them for granted. But it doesn't hurt to remind ourselves that thanks to the internet, we can now:

1. Fund a business.投資業務。

Coming up with a great idea for a new business is only half the battle. The other half involves coming up with the money to fund that great idea. And sometimes waltzing into a bank and taking out a substantial loan isn't an option for a young (or broke) entrepreneur.

Fortunately, the internet has made it easy for people to raise capital for startups and personal projects through crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. "Veronica Mars" fans banded together to raise nearly $6 million on Kickstarter to produce the "Veronica Mars" film when Warner Bros. refused to fund it. The crowdfunding website also made it possible for the technology startup Oculus Rift to fund its first virtual gaming product, garnering over $2 million from supporters. It's safe to say the amount is nowhere close to what a bank would have offered the young entrepreneurs.
幸運的是,互聯網使人們通過眾籌網站(例如Kickstarter 和Indiegogo)為公司和個人項目籌集資金變得容易。當Bros.拒絕資助他們時,"美眉校探"的粉絲結合起來,在Kickstarter籌集了將近600萬美元來製作"美眉校探"電影。眾籌網站同樣讓技術創業Oculus Rift資助第一個虛擬遊戲產品成為可能,從支持者那獲得超過200萬美元的費用。可以有把握的説,這個數量比銀行可以提供給年輕企業家的差遠了。

2. Learn something new.學習新東西。

If you're hungry for knowledge, the internet is the perfect place to satisfy your appetite. A working mom who doesn't have time to make it into a classroom can now earn her MBA or work toward a nursing degree while her kids are fast asleep upstairs. Online universities like University of Phoenix offer students the flexibility to earn degrees whenever and wherever is convenient for them. More and more traditional universities are also offering online education as a supplement to on-campus classes.

For those who aren't interested in jumping all the way into a degree, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at institutions like Khan Academy and Coursera give you the ability to pick and choose courses on just about any subject — ranging from organic chemistry to art history — while sites like Tree House Academy and Codecademy allow users to hone in on specific skills including coding, website design, and app development. By breaking down barriers, the internet gives people located in the most remote parts of the world access to knowledge they wouldn't otherwise have.
對於那些對攻讀一個學位沒有興趣的人來説,大規模的開放網絡課程(MOOCs)研究機構,例如可汗學院和Coursera,給你提供可以選擇任何課程的權利--從有機化學到藝術史--類似Tree House Academy 和Codecademy的網站允許用户全心鑽研具體的技巧,包括編碼、網頁設計、app開發。通過突破障礙,網絡給予偏遠地區的人 (否則不會有的)學習知識的機會。

3. Stay connected.保持聯繫。

It’s now easier than ever before to stay connected with people. Facebook serves as a daily high school and college reunion, informing you when old friends have gotten engaged or are expecting a child. Platforms like Skype or FaceTime can keep an executive in China connected to her team based in New York City. Forums and messaging platforms like Reddit let you argue with someone in Minnesota about "The Walking Dead" all the way from Los Angeles. Twitter lets you chat with fans of the show simultaneously in real-time. A basic internet connection allows people to transcend thousands of miles and connect with others in a way that just wasn't possible a couple decades ago.
現在人們保持聯繫比以前容易多了。Facebook 擔當起每日高中和大學校友聚會的角色,通知你老朋友訂婚的時間或要小孩的時間。類似於Skype和FaceTime的平台,可以讓在中國的高管同她在紐約的團隊保持聯繫。類似於Reddit的論壇和消息平台,可以讓你從洛杉磯一路都同明尼蘇達州的人爭論關於“行屍走肉”的話題。Twitter讓你同時實時的同演出的粉絲聊天。一個基本的網絡連接可以讓人們跨越數千英里,在某點上同其他人聯繫,這在幾十年前是不可能的。

4. Improve our health.改善我們的健康。

It used to be that when you got sick, you called your family doctor, who might examine you and then refer you to a specialist. Today, patients can get medical advice, research remedies, self-diagnose (hello, hypochondriacs), and book doctor appointments while sitting at their desks.

But the advances of the internet also have far-reaching implications for healthcare and the quality of our lives. For those aren't able to visit a doctor in person, the practice of telemedicine represents the future of healthcare. Using videoconferencing or smartphones, doctors can examine patients remotely — whether they're diagnosing a common cold or evaluating stroke symptoms — which helps save lives while cutting down on costs and other resources. Telesurgery, which enables doctors to operate on patients despite not being in the room, is dramatically expanding healthcare opportunities for people in underserved communities.

And the internet is bringing health practitioners together to learn from each other and collaborate on new advancements. This is happening both within hospitals and across borders: Johns Hopkins, for example, has partnered with Hospital Moinhos de Vento in Brazil to share medical knowledge, research, and best practices with the doctors and staff there.
並且網絡將健康從業者組織在一起,互相學習,共同協作共同進步。這些可以在醫院發生,也可以跨越國界發生:例如,Johns Hopkins與巴西Moinhos de Vento醫院合作分享醫療知識、研究以及同這裏的醫生和職工的最好的經驗。

5. Be entertained (or entertain someone else).娛樂自己(或者娛樂其他人)。

You're stuck in the airport on a six-hour layover with two unruly kids ... for six hours. If you're fortunate to have a reliable internet connection and a Netflix subscription, then you're most likely the happiest parent around.

And forget about your kids — what about you? How many hours have you dedicated to binge-watching television shows and movies on a rainy Saturday afternoon? More than you'd probably like to admit. In 2014, Netflix users streamed nearly 6.5 BILLION hours of video in the first quarter alone. That's a lot of "House of Cards" and "Orange Is The New Black." From making a long commute bearable to serving as the perfect (secret) distraction in a boring meeting, the internet has become our our default, go-to conduit to streaming and downloadable entertainment.



