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First dates follow a very specific set of rules that set them apart from pretty much every other form of human interaction. It's two people who are interested in each other trying to get to know one another. It's understandable that things can get awkward. As such, first dates wind up being mostly small talk.

But there are plenty of things he wishes you.d ask him. Either because it'd be good to get off his chest, or just because they're great talking points. And for the record, some of these are probably better left unasked, but in a perfect, free world, they'd certainly be nice to talk about.


1. Ask him, "If you could be doing anything humanly possible right now, what would it be?" It's always good to have a few icebreaker questions on standby. Go for original, absurd and goofy, or thought-provoking. If he says, "I'd still rather be here with you!" be with him.
1. 問他“現在在人力所及範圍內,你最想做的事情是什麼?”留一些備用的打破尷尬場景的問題總是無害的。問一些原創的、荒誕的、愚蠢的亦或是激發思考的問題吧。如果他的回答是“我寧願和你呆在一起!”,那就和他在一起吧!

2. Ask him where he sees himself in five years. All too often, first dates are about the "now." What do you do for a living? Where do you live? Instead, ask him where he wants to be. Most Millennials aren't working their dream job.
2. 問他5年後想在哪裏。第一次約會時總是圍繞“現在”展開,你做什麼工作?你住哪?相反,你可以問他以後想在哪兒。大多數千禧一代人的工作都不是他們夢寐以求的工作。

3. Ask anything that lets him show off. Please, just ... throw him a bone. Anytime he says something that sounds like a humblebrag, follow up on it. That's what he wants. By no means let him dominate the conversation, but, when it's his turn to talk, if he's giving you very clear hints about things he's proud of, do the man a favor and ask him about it.
3. 問任何能讓他炫耀的問題。求你了,給他點恩賜吧。當他説出一些自謙的話時,你就可以問他這些問題。因為這是他希望的。千萬不要讓他在你們的對話中佔主導位置,但如果講話時他暗示你他對於一些東西十分自豪時,那麼給他點兒恩賜,問問看他自豪什麼吧。

4. Ask, "What's your perfect date?" Secretly, he's dying inside for you to ask this, so he can tell you. That way, you've got a great second date idea, and he doesn't have to plan it.
4. 問他“你認為的完美約會是什麼?”背地裏,他超想你問他這個問題,這樣他就能告訴你了。而且,你就知道了第二次約會是什麼樣,並且他完全不用做準備。

5. Ask for major turn-offs and pet peeves. This is a question that's potentially frightening to ask and could score you some offensive answers. But if you both share your ultimate deal breakers off the top, it could save you some time.
5. 問他一些大轉彎的問題和他最討厭的東西。通常人們會下意識害怕談及這個問題,而且問了的話也只會得到一些令人不快的回答。但如果你倆都能開誠佈公的説出自己最討厭的東西,那麼這可能會節省你們的時間。



