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1. Just add water. 1. 想降温?加點水

Soak a t-shirt in the sink, wring it out, put it on and sit in a chair that lets air through to you in front of a fan. 將T恤浸泡在水中,擰乾後穿在身上,坐在能透風的椅子上吹風扇。

2. Sweat it out. 2. 多出汗

Water vapor produced by sweating actually takes heat away from your body. The best thing to do is to put your sweaty self in the path of a cool breeze or fan. 出汗時的水蒸氣能將體內的熱量帶出來,最好是大汗淋漓的站在通風處。

3. Dress for the heat. 3. 穿衣之道

Wear natural fabrics (cotton, silk, linen) rather than artificial fibers. 儘量穿棉、絲、亞麻等自然纖維材質的衣服,不穿人造纖維。

Wear Light Colors: Darker colors will absorb the sun's rays and be warmer than light or white clothing, which reflects light and heat. 穿淺色衣服:深色衣服會吸收太陽射線,淺色和白色衣服能夠將光和熱反射出去,因此深色衣服比淺、白色衣服的吸熱度高。

Cover Up: Covering up may actually keep you cooler, especially if the heat is low in humidity. By protecting your skin from the sun beating down, you'll also shade your skin. Be sure your clothing is natural fabrics, and loose. 注意遮蓋:適當遮蓋會讓你更涼快,尤其是當天氣熱,濕度卻較低時。遮蓋能讓你的皮膚免受太陽直射。當然,記得衣服最好是自然纖維並且要寬鬆哦。

4. Go downstairs. 4. 下樓去乘涼

Warm air is less dense than cooler air so it ends up layered on top of the downward moving cooler air. Make your way to the basement or lower level. It will be cooler there. 熱空氣比冷空氣密度小,因此熱空氣總在冷空氣上方。去地下室或者較低的地方吧,那裏會更涼快。

5. Keep the air flowing. 5. 保持空氣流通

In the evening, open windows and use fans to create a cross-breeze, circulating cooler evening/night air through the rooms. As soon as the sun hits the building the next morning, close all windows and keep doors and windows closed throughout the day until it is cooler outside than it is inside. Leaving kitchen cabinets open all night helps too; if you leave them closed, they store the heat. 在晚上,打開窗户或者用風扇讓空氣保持對流,讓涼快的晚風能夠穿過房子。次日清晨,當太陽直射房子的時候,一整個白天都關閉所有門窗,直到室外比室內涼快後再通風。夜間把廚房的櫥櫃全部打開,否則關閉的櫥櫃裏也會儲存一些熱量。6. Turn off electrical heat sources. 6. 切斷電熱源

Turn off the stove or other sources of heat. Turn off your lamps, as well as your computer when you're not using it. Turn off your TV. 關掉爐子等熱源。關掉所有不用的燈、電腦、和電視。

7. Eat spicy food. 7. 辣味食物

It's not a coincidence that many people in hotter regions of the world eat spicy food. Spicy (hot to the taste) food increases perspiration which cools the body as it evaporates. It also can cause an endorphin rush that is quite pleasant and might make you forget about the heat. 很多生活在炎熱地區的人都吃辛辣的食物,這不只是個巧合。辛辣的食物能夠促進排汗,隨着汗液蒸發,身體也就涼快下來了。此外,辛辣食物還會促進腦內啡的分泌,讓你產生快感,忘掉炎熱。

8. Think cool. 8. 冥想降温

Read books about climbing Mount Everest, visiting Norway, or watch "Ice Age", or "The Day After Tomorrow". You might not be physically cooler, but if your mind envisions a cold environment, you might feel a bit cooler. 去讀讀關於登珠峯、遊挪威的書,看看《冰河世紀》、《後天》這樣的電影。這樣也許你的身體不會感到涼快,但是因為大腦在聯想涼爽的環境,所以你也許會感覺到少許涼意吧。

9. Sit still. 9. 靜坐

Do not try to fan yourself because it can make you hotter. Trying to move while feeling hot can make you feel hotter. 不要自己給自己扇風,因為只會越扇越熱。當你感到熱時,做任何動作只會讓你更熱。

10. Cool as a cucumber! 10. 像黃瓜一樣清涼

Slice a thin piece of cold cucumber and stick it in the middle of your forehead! This feels fantastic on a hot day and works almost immediately! 大熱天裏,切一片薄薄的黃瓜貼在額頭中心,很快你就會有很爽的感覺!



