
首相尘埃落定 英国脱欧谈判不应急躁

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首相尘埃落定 英国脱欧谈判不应急躁

One by one, the rivals to replace David Cameron were found out. Boris Johnson, a chancer who thinks a smattering of Latin fair substitute for strategy or principle. Michael Gove, a political sociopath with a manifesto that read like an undergraduate essay. Andrea Leadsom, the hard-right’s unelectable answer to Labour’s far-left, and unelectable, Jeremy Corbyn. Theresa May’s stroll into Downing Street offered some hope that Britain has not gone completely mad.

竞争取代戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)的人一个接一个现身。鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson),投机分子,以为会一点拉丁语就不用考虑策略或原则。迈克尔•戈夫(Michael Gove),政治上的反社会分子,其宣言读起来像一篇本科生论文。安德里亚•利德索姆(Andrea Leadsom),不可能领导保守党赢得大选的强硬右派,就像同样不可能领导工党赢得大选的工党极左派杰里米•科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)。特里萨•梅(Theresa May)步入唐宁街的画面给了人们些许希望——英国没有彻底疯掉。

Mr Johnson has the Foreign Office as a consolation prize. The hope must be that he is not too much of an embarrassment. The adage has it that politics always ends in failure. In Mr Cameron’s case it was self-inflicted. He always preferred tactics to strategy. Add an inflated sense of his ability to get out of tight spots and an unhappy ending was inevitable. The big tactical swerve — a referendum offered in a vain attempt to appease Tory Europhobes — steered him, and the nation, into a brick wall.


There was not much dignity, I suppose, in the abruptness with which he was bundled out of Number 10 this week but then Brexit is the biggest political and foreign policy failure of postwar Britain. The 1956 Suez debacle was a small bump on the road by comparison. The prime minister who took Britain out of the EU and, quite possibly, broke the union of the United Kingdom as a consequence — not a happy epitaph.


Mrs May was the best choice available as his successor. She was on the pro-European side but stayed invisible during the campaign. Her reputation as a steely, competent home secretary is overdone. She dodged difficult decisions and failed to get a grip on border controls and the enforcement of immigration rules. Her success was surviving in a depArtment more commonly considered a political graveyard. She has a reputation as a pragmatist and avoids histrionics. The process of government will become more formal and be better for it. In temperament she is not too far from Germany’s Angela Merkel.

梅是现有最佳的卡梅伦继任人选。她是亲欧派,但在脱欧公投运动中表现得并不明显。说她是一位“铁娘子”,一个能干的内政大臣是过誉了。她逃避艰难的决定,既没有抓好边境控制,又没能落实移民规则。她的成功之处,就是在一个通常被视为政治坟墓的部门幸存了下来。她是个有名的实用主义者,尽量避免装腔作势。政府工作流程将更规范,这样也更好。气质方面而言,她与德国的安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)差得不太多。

The policy vacuum left by the Brexit vote has thus far filled with wishful thinking. On the pro-European side, a cry of pain has been followed by insistence that the result need not be the final word. Lawyers have been hired, constitutional precedents consulted. If the people can decide to say goodbye to their own continent, surely they also have the right to change their mind? After all, buyers’ remorse may set in as the economy slips towards recession.


Among the Leavers there is a let’s-get-on-with-it hubris that says Britain can skip out of the EU the day after tomorrow. It will get a good deal because Germany wants to continue selling its cars and France its wine. Anyway, the latter-day Elizabethans declare, there is a world to be conquered beyond Europe’s troubled shores. A sinking economy? Pro-European propaganda. These are people who invent their own facts.


It is possible, of course, that Britain could decide in the end to remain in the EU or to opt for something close to it such as associate membership. If we have learnt anything these past few weeks it is that politics can turn somersaults. A new prime minister will not change the reality that it will be difficult to secure broad political consent for any one of the many versions of “out”. On the other hand, it is also conceivable, just, that a speedy and good-natured negotiation could see Britain leave on relatively favourable terms.


Politicians must deal in facts and probabilities rather than dreams. The process of unravelling four decades of political and economic integration will be complex, costly and frequently bad-tempered. The Britain that emerges will be weaker economically and have a smaller footprint internationally.


“Brexit means Brexit” is Mrs May’s favourite phrase. It offers assurance to Tory Outers who worry about her commitment to withdrawal. It says nothing, though, about the shape of post-Brexit relations. The new prime minister has avoided showing her hand on where she wants to draw the balance between access to the single market and national control of immigration policy. This will be the subject of two sets of negotiations — the first with her own party, where the interests of business will collide with the ideology of Little Englanders, and then with the other 27 EU states. The former may be harder than the latter.


Mrs May will be told by the Brexiters to get on with it: set out your position clearly, trigger Article 50 and wrap up a deal as quickly as possible to put an end to uncertainty. The prime minister should ignore the pleas. The only hope she has of squaring half-a-dozen circles will be to play the negotiations long.

脱欧人士将敦促梅继续推进:阐明立场,激活《里斯本条约》(Lisbon Treaty)第50条,然后尽快签订一项协议,终结不确定性。首相应该无视这些请求。她解决半打异常棘手的问题的唯一希望是让这些谈判旷日持久地进行下去。

We are living through a period of political and economic upheaval — in Britain and in the rest of the continent. What Mrs May must hope is that over time the politically impossible becomes the possible; that compromises unacceptable today are seen as common sense a year or two hence.


Why should Europe wait? Listen to Ms Merkel. The chancellor quite rightly insists that the EU will not be bent out of shape to accommodate the British. But she prefers deliberation to rushed decisions. She understands it is in Europe’s interest to rescue what can be salvaged from the wreckage and to emerge with relations with Britain on a reasonable footing. She also has an election to fight next year. So does President François Hollande of France. Changes to EU-wide migration rules may seem more attractive. A pause might just suit everyone.

那么欧洲为什么应该等待呢?听听默克尔的话吧。这位德国总理相当正确地坚持认为,欧盟不应该为了适应英国而扭曲自身。但比起仓促之间作出决定,她更希望各方能深思熟虑。她明白,从废墟里救出还能够被抢救出来的东西,在合理的基础上建立与英国的关系,符合欧洲的利益。默克尔明年还必须为大选而战。法国总统弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)也是如此。修订整个欧洲范围内的移民法规似乎更有吸引力。暂时的停顿可能对所有人都好。



