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1.“I compete with myself.” George Morgan-Grenville, Red Savannah

11. Red Savannah的George Morgan-Grenville:“我和自己比賽。”

George Morgan-Grenville begins each day with a journey on the rowing machine. In addition to ensuring his heart is healthy, he also uses this time to think about strategic issues of his company.

George Morgan-Grenville的一天是從划船機上鍛鍊開始的。除了保證心臟健康,他也會利用鍛鍊時間思考公司的戰略問題。

2.“I spend time with my family.” Mike Cirker, Alpha Industries

12. Alpha Industries的Mike Cirker:“我和家人共度早上的時光。”

Mike Cirker’s squad makes sure to have breakfast together. As he explains, humans are social creatures and above anything else, it is designed in our DNA to want and crave close relationships.

Mike Cirker一家人要共進早餐,他解釋說人是羣居動物,最重要的是我們的基因就規定了想要並渴望親密的關係。

3. “I take a long shower and think about business strategy.” Nick Kenner, Just Salad

13. Just Salad 的Nick Kenner :“我長時間沖澡,考慮經營策略。”

When Nick Kenner wakes up each day, he goes straight to his children’s rooms and wakes them up, too. After playing with them, he uses his ‘very long’ shower to think about business strategy. “Because my brain was always bursting with ideas for the brand while in the shower,” he shares.

Nick Kenner每天起牀後直接走到孩子的房間也把他們叫醒,和他們玩一會,然後洗“很長時間”澡來思考一下經營策略。他分享說:“因爲我的大腦在洗澡時總會產生一些品牌創意。”

4.“I make my bed.” Lucas Stoioff, DineAmic Group

14. DineAmic Group的Lucas Stoioff:“我鋪牀。”

 “This is very simple, but a very important key to success. Something about completing a small task helps you to complete large tasks later in the day. It gives me a small sense of organization and accomplishment,” Lucas Stoioff shares.

Lucas Stoioff分享說:“這很簡單,但也是成功的關鍵。完成一個小任務能幫你完成一天中後面遇到的大任務,這給我一點小的組織感和成就感。”

5.“I analyze the day before.” Greg Selkoe,

15. 的Greg Selkoe:“我分析前一天 。”

Greg Selkoe takes time every morning to think about what went right in the previous 24 hours — and what went wrong. He also never misses out on a kiss from his wife or hugs from his two kids (and dog and three cats) before heading to the office.

Greg Selkoe每天早上會花點時間回顧前24小時內做對了什麼,做錯了什麼。上班之前他也從不會忘記妻子的親吻和兩個孩子(還有一隻狗和三隻貓)的擁抱。

6.“I start with a bit of chaos — and gratitude.” John Seymour, Sweet Chick

16. Sweet Chick的John Seymour:“我的一天從處理雜務開始——還有感恩。”

Since John Seymour has three young children, his morning is chaotic to say the least. Once they’re on their way, he turns his attention toward “gratitude”. “I think about what I’m thankful for and envision what I want my day to look like,” he shares.

John Seymour有三個小孩,所以他的早上一團糟。他們去上學以後,他就開始“感恩”。他分享說:“我會想想我要感恩什麼,再想象一下我想怎樣度過這一天。”

7.“I have a morning team meeting.” Jon Schiff, Real Good Juice Co.

17. Real Good Juice Co.的Jon Schiff:“我早上給團隊開個會。”

For Jon Schiff, catching up with his team before 9 a.m. is a ritual he swears by. “I love connecting with them before the clock strikes 9 a.m. and the day is fully underway,” he explains.

對Jon Schiff來說9點之前跟團隊碰頭是他堅持的一個習慣。他解釋說:“我喜歡早上9點之前和他們聯繫一下,這一天都盡在掌握。”

8.“I walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.” Joseph Einhorn, Fancy

18. Fancy的Joseph Einhorn:“我步行走過布魯克林大橋”

After playing with his baby, Joseph Einhorn has a tradition he’s maintained for more than two years: walking. It helps to clear his mind and keep him active.

Joseph Einhor和孩子玩過之後還有一個堅持了兩年多的習慣:散步。散步幫他理清思路、保持積極。

9.“I head to my local coffee shop.” Mark Patterson, Civilized Coffee

19. Civilized Coffee的Mark Patterson:“我去當地的咖啡館。”

Mark Patterson makes a pit stop between home and work. His destination of choice is his beloved local coffee shop. While there, he spends up to 45 minutes preparing for whatever lies ahead.

Mark Patterson在從家到公司的路上會稍作停留,去當地他最愛的咖啡館,他在那兒待45分鐘準備一天的工作。

10.“I begin every day with meditation.” Gabriel De Santino, Gabriel Cosmetics

20. Gabriel Cosmetics的Gabriel De Santin:“我的一天從冥想開始。”

Because he knows chaos will ensue as he goes about his routine, Gabriel De Santino begins each morning with meditation, creating an atmosphere of peace, quiet and mindfulness.

Gabriel De Santino知道繁雜的事務沒完沒了,所以他的一天從冥想開始,創造一種平和、安靜、專注的氣氛。




