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Speech of an international CEO at the provincial level forum in china Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, It is a GREat honor to be invited to speak at this forum of international development. As one of the first international retail enterprises that have settled in this province, we have set up 4 joint ventures with a total investment of rmb 3.5 billion yuan, and moreover, we have opened over 20 large-scale supermarkets in the major cities, last year we launched a plan to support small and medium suppliers in the province aiming to bring solutions to the suppliers, including standard commercial operations, up to date marketing concepts and strong communications, we offer them free consultation, including the customers’ needs, lay-out of products, flow of funds, and market feed back. Meanwhile, we demand they produce high quality products, with our help, many small and medium suppliers have found new solutions and increased their sales, in addition, we have just started a new plan with our suppliers at a recent conference, this plan gain extensive applause from these suppliers, In this second half of the year, we will provide guarantee for suppliers who want to obtain loans or financing, helping them to overcome the shortage of funds due to the global financial crises, at present, we are negotiating with various commercial banks, trying to persuade them to expand better financial channels for our suppliers.

On the 8th of this month, we organized the win win day for partners, the event had two topics, one was direct purchase and the other was medium and small food processing companies, both projects are essential for us in china, we hope professional trainings and business seminars and expect to help local suppliers to be more aware of food safety issues to complete the innovation of products and technology, and to provide more products

which meet the market demand. After 12 years’ cooperation and development in china, we will as always go forward hand in hand with the development of this province, making more contributions to its prosperous market to have a harmonious commercial environment in china, and to this sustainable development of Chinese economy.

中國國家旅遊局官員在第六屆絲綢之路國際大會開幕式上的致辭 尊敬的各位來賓,女士們,先生們, 上午好! 很高興與大家相聚在古老而美麗的敦煌,共同出席聯合國旅遊世界組織第六屆絲綢之路國際大會,我謹代表中國國家旅遊局對大會召開表示熱烈祝賀,對遠道而來的各位嘉賓表示誠摯歡迎。 擁有兩千多年的歷史,綿延7千多公里的絲綢之路是沿線各國人民共同開創的友誼之路,是人類探索自然,挑戰自我的奇蹟之路,是亞、歐、非三大洲文明交流和融合之路。今天,絲綢之路已成爲沿線各國經濟往來、文化交流的大道,更成爲全球遊客心馳神往的一條黃金旅遊線路,中國是絲綢之路的起點,也是沿線極具吸引力的旅遊聖地,統計數據顯示,過去十年,中國絲路沿線五省區的入境遊客量從141萬人次躍升到415萬人次,年均增幅達11.4%, 國際旅遊收入從5.16億美元增長到22億美元,年均增幅達15.6%. 旅遊業已成爲當地的支柱產業、先導產業,在沿線各國的共同努力下,絲綢之路旅遊項目取得了有目共睹的成果,但目前,沿線各國簽證、交通等便利化程度還不高,區域經濟和旅遊市場發展還不平衡,在這裏,我倡議沿線國家強化合作,共謀發展,共同把絲綢之路打造成國際遊客青睞的旅遊精品。

When talking about Chinese tourists overseas, news media often mention their inappropriate behavior such as spitting, littering, talking loudly in public places, and carving charACTers in scenic spots. The china national tourism administration recently announced that in order to improve the image of Chinese holidaymaker overseas, it will establish a “black list” for individuals engaging in such “uncivilized behavior” and the record will be kept for up to two years. What do you think of this measure? Do you think it will be effective? What suggestions do you have?




