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1. accumulated earnings 積累收益

2. a circular economy 循環經濟

3. a convenient method of payment 方便的付款方式

4. an economic boom 經濟興旺

5. aneconomic depression (slump, recession) 經濟萎縮

6. an economic takeoff 經濟起飛

7. anti-dumping measures 反傾銷措施

8. assets depreciation range 資產折舊幅度

9. balance the two-way trade 保持雙邊貿易的平衡

10. bonded/free trade area 保稅區

11. bonded warehouse 保稅倉庫

12. bottleneck restrictions 瓶頸制約

13. break regional blockades and trade monopolies 打破地區封鎖和待業壟斷

14. capital market 資本市場

15. cargo handling capacity 貨物吞吐量

16. commission/brokerage 佣金

17. commodity economy 商品經濟

18. confessional/favorable terms 優惠條件

19. cost and benefit analysis 成本收益分析

20. cost-of-living index 生活費指數

21. cross-border takeover 跨國併購

22. currency depreciation/appreciation 通貨貶值/升值

23. current account balance sheet 流動資產負債表

24. current asset losses in suspense 待處理流動資產損失

25. current debt ratio 流動負債比率

26. current fund employment rate 流動資金佔有率

27. current liability 流動負債

28. current tangible assets 有形流動資產

29. domestic funds 國內配套資金

30. earning capacity 盈利能力

31. E-commerce/E-business 電子商務

32. economic aggregate 經濟總量

33. economic efficiency 經濟效益

34. economic growth point 經濟增長點

35. economic indicators 經濟指標

36. economic measure 經濟手段

37. economic strength 經濟實力

38. economy of scale 規模經濟

39. efficiency in operation 經營效率

40. emerging market economy 新興市場經濟

41. equity capital transaction 產權資本轉讓

42. equity earnings 參股收益;股本盈利

43. equity investment 股本投資

44. equity ownership 資本所有權

45. excessive consumption 超前消費

46. export-oriented/outward-looking economy 外向型經濟是

47. extensive/intensive operation 粗放/集約經營

48. fair trading practice 公平貿易行爲

49. financing channels 融資渠道

50. fixed-assets accounting 固定資產覈算

51. fluctuate in line with market conditions 隨行就市

52. foreign exchange-earning enterprise 創匯型企業

53. foreign exchange market 外匯市場

54. foreign investment in actual use 實際利用外資

55. general retail price index 社會零售物價總指數

56. generous pension and healthcare plans 優厚的養老金和醫療衛生保障

57. green power 財力;金錢

58. gross foreign export value 外貿出口總額

59. gross output value of industry and agriculture 工農業總產值

60. guidance plan 指導性計劃

61. 2-hour economic zone 兩小時經濟圈

62. import/export quota 進出口配額

63. in a period of transition 在過渡時期

64. income tax return 所得稅申報表

65. income to net worth ratio 淨值收益率

66. industrial policy 產業政策

67. industrial redeployment/relocation 產業轉移

68. inflation-proof bank savings 保值儲蓄

69. investment in fixed assets 固定資產投資

70. investment portfolio 投資組合

71. invisible trade 無形貿易

72. ironclad job protection 鐵飯碗

73. knowledge economy 知識經濟

74. letters patent/certificate of patent 專利證書

75. low-profit era 微利時代

76. macro-economic control 宏觀調控

77. maintenance of value 保值

78. majority shareholding 佔有多數股權

79. managerial decision-making process 管理決策程序

80. managerial know-how 管理專門知識

81. mandatory plan 指令性計劃

82. margins desired 期望的毛利

83. market demand price 市場需求價格

84. marketing channel 銷售渠道,市場渠道

85. market regulation 市場調節

86. market value method 市價法

87. medium-sized enterprise 中型企業

88. merchandise inventory 商品庫存

89. mild inflation 溫和通貨膨脹

90. negative growth 負增長

91. non-core business 非主營業務

92. non-performing loan 不良貸

93. outbound/overseas investment 海外投資

94. petrol chemistry 石油化工

95. property right market 產權市場

96. public financing rate 財政

97. purchasing power parity 購買力平價法

98. qualitative analysis 定性分析

99. quality guarantee 質量保證

100. quantitative analysis 定量分析

101. rate of return on equity 股本收益率

102. risk investment/ venture capital 風險投資

103. seller’s market 賣方市場

104. social benefits/returns 社會效益

105. start-up company 新興企業

106. state revenue 財政收入

107. sub-prime crisis 次貸危機

108. tax reduction and exemption 減免稅收

109. the globalization of capital 資本的全球化

110. the Great Depression 經濟大蕭條

111. The Internet of Things 物聯網

112. the law of demand/supply 需求/供應定律

113. the linkage system between the US dollar and the HK dollar 港幣的聯繫匯率制

114. the primary/secondary/tertiary industry (the service sector) 第一/第二/第三產業

115. the real economy 實體經濟

116. the sub-prime mortgage market 房產次貸抵押市場

117. tighten the money supply 緊縮銀根

118. total volume of retail sales of consumer goods 社會消費品零售總額

119. total volume of retail sales 社會商品零售總額

120. trade barrier 貿易障礙

121. trademark registration 商標註冊

122. Lower export demand and reduced foreign direct investment are more likely to hit urban jobs harder.

123. 出口需求下降和外國直接投資的減少,更有可能使城市就業形勢更爲嚴峻。

124. Some developing countries are struggling with the fact that money transfers sent from migrants back home have declined substantially, causing the loss of foreign exchange and household income.

125. 一些發展中 家正面臨這樣一個事實,外出務工人員匯回家的錢大幅養活,造成外匯和家庭收入損失。

126. Unlike previous crises, developing countries have less room to adjust to the deteriorating economic conditions.

127. 與以往發生危機時不同,發展中國家適應日益惡化的經濟條件的空間縮小。

128. The economic crisis also comes on the heel of the food and fuel crisis.

129. 繼食品和燃料危機之後,經濟危機接踵而至。

130. Hunger and poverty often compel the poor to overexploit the resources on which their own livelihoods depend.

131. 飢餓和貧困常常迫使窮人過度開採其賴以生存的資源。

132. It would be confronted with the bottleneck affecting the sustainable development at certain stage of its economic development.

133. 在經濟發展到一定階段後,即將陷入瓶頸,經濟無法再獲得高速的持續增長。

134. A resurgent American economy would do more to restore the confidence of the world in its own future than anything else.

135. 如果美國經濟復甦了,那就會比任何其他事情更能使世界經濟恢復對前途的信心。

136. Stock and commodity markets have been rattled.

137. 股市和商品市場出現動盪。

138. Economic growth has averaged about 9% a year.

139. 經濟的年均增長率都在9%左右。

140. These measures are widely used to promote the local economy.

141. 廣泛採取這些措施以促進當地的經濟發展。

142. They manufacture products at the price of land, resources, environment and sustainability.

143. 他們以土地、資源、環境和可持續發展爲代價來生產產品。

144. Capital continually circulates in search of maximum investment opportunities.

145. 資本持續地流動以尋求最大的投資機會。

146. Net profit is the most important figure for working out if a company is healthy or not.

147. 純利潤是衡量公司健康運作與否的一個最重要的數據。

148. The economy is still in a recession.

149. 經濟仍牌衰退期。

150. The economic globalization has become an irreversible historical trend.

151. 世界經濟全球化的發展趨勢已成爲不可逆轉的歷史潮流。

152. The information-based new economy represented by the Internet economy is advancing vibrantly.

153. 以信息化爲基礎,以網絡經濟爲代表的新經濟正蓬勃發展。

154. The enormous vitality and promising future of the new economy has caught attention from the governments and enterprises of all countries around the world since it is regarded as a new growth point for the world economy.

155. 新經濟以其巨大的活力和良好的發展前景,倍受世界各國政府和企業界的關注,成爲全球經濟新的增長點。

156. Developed countries, with their strong economic strength and technological advantages, has taken the lead in grasping the growth opportunities generated from the new economy.

157. 發達國家以自己雄厚的經濟實力和科技優勢,搶佔了新經濟發展先機。

158. The economic foundation is far from being sound, and the current situation remains severe.

159. 經濟基礎還很不穩固,目前的形勢依然嚴峻。

160. This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.

161. 本合同由買賣雙方訂立,因此買賣雙方同意按照下面規定的條款購買以下商品。

162. The more dynamism there is in an economy, the greater the opportunity.

163. 經濟越活躍,機會就越多。

164. A much more positive kind of competition could emerge if managers thought about strategy in the right way.

165. 如果所有的管理者能夠正確理解戰略的意義,那麼行業內就會形成良性競爭。

166. Many economists and marketing gurus predict a rosy season for online shopping.

167. 許多經濟學家和管理大師們都認爲網上購物的旺季即將到來。

168. The price of gold surged ahead on Friday, but dropped back when business resumed on Monday.

169. 黃金價格在上週五急劇上升,但在本週一開盤時又呈跌勢。

170. Even so, the job creation could not keep pace with the surge in the labor force.

171. 即便如此,新增的工作機會仍然趕不上激增的求職人口。

172. 保持發展後勁 bring about a sustainable development

173. 保持國有股 keep the state-held shares

174. 併購 merger & acquisition

175. 財政收入 fiscal revenue

176. 倉儲式超市 stockroom-style/warehouse-type supermarket

177. 產權制度改革 reform of property rights system

178. 產銷直接掛鉤 directly link production with marketing

179. 產爲的升級換代 upgrading of industries

180. 產業結構調整 industrial restructuring

181. 低碳經濟 low-carbon economy

182. 地方保護主義 regional protectionism

183. 地方財政預算 local government budgets

184. 調整改組國有企業 readjust and reorganize state-owned enterprises

185. 對外開放廣度和深度 opening up in scope and depth

186. 多種經濟成分 diverse sectors of the economy

187. 非公有制經濟 non-public sectors of the economy

188. 費改稅 transform administrating fees into taxes

189. 個體戶 the self-employed

190. 個體、私營經濟 self-employed and other private businesses/private economy

191. 股權分置改革 reform of listing non-tradable shares of listed companies

192. 骨幹企業 backbone/key enterprise

193. 固定資產重估 reevaluation of fixed system

194. 規範稅制 standardize the tax system

195. 規模經濟 scale economy; economy of scale

196. 際收支狀況 balance of payments

197. 《國家中長期科學和技術發展規劃綱要》 Outline of the National Program for Long- and Medium –Term Scientific and Technological Development

198. 國民經濟的支柱 mainstay of the national economy

199. 國民經濟的綜合平衡 overall balance in national economy

200. 國民經濟信息化 informationize the national economy

201. 國民經濟支柱產業 pillar industry in national economy

202. 國有資本經營預算制度 budget system for managing state capital

203. 國有資產流失 loss/erosion of state assets

204. 合同管理制 contract management system

205. 即期消費 immediate consumption

206. 集體經濟、合作經濟 collective and cooperative sectors of the economy

207. 集約經濟 intensive economy

208. 技改項目 technological upgrading projects

209. 假日經濟 holiday economy

210. 健全項目法人責任制 system of holding the legal person responsible for project

211. 經濟不發達地區 economically underdeveloped area

212. 經濟發展後勁 future economic growth

213. 經濟復甦 economic resurgence

214. 經濟槓桿 economic lever

215. 經濟過熱 overheated economy

216. 經濟滑坡 economic downturn

217. 經濟技術開發區 economic and technological development zone

218. 經濟結構戰略性調整 strategic restructuring of the economy

219. 經濟開發區 economic development zone

220. 經濟良性循環 a beneficial economic cycle

221. 經濟圈和經濟帶 economic rim and belt

222. 經濟滲透 economic infiltration

223. 經濟失調指數 misery index

224. 經濟實力 economic strength

225. 經濟實體 economic entity

226. 經濟適用房 low-cost housing

227. 經濟體制改革 reform of economic system; economic restructuring

228. 經濟運行 economic performance

229. 經濟增長 economic growth

230. 居民消費價格漲幅 rise in the CPI

231. 具有國際競爭力的大企業集團 internationally competitive conglomerates

232. 開放國內市場 open domestic market

233. 開放型經濟 an open economy

234. 開拓城鄉市場 develop urban and rural markets

235. 開拓農村消費市場 develop consumer markets in rural areas

236. 開展區域經濟合作 carry out regional economic cooperation

237. 科技成果產業化 application of scientific and technological achievements in production

238. 可支配收入 disposable income

239. 擴大內需,刺激消費 increase domestic demand and stimulate consumption

240. 勞動力市場 labor market

241. 勞動密集型產業 labor-intensive industry

242. 利益攸關方 stakeholder

243. 《兩岸經濟合作櫃架協議》 Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)

244. 面向市場 market-oriented

245. 泡沫經濟 bubble economy

246. 片面追求發展速度 seek an unduly high growth rate

247. 品牌資產 brand equity

248. 平等保護物權 equal protection of property rights

249. 千年發展目標 Millennium Development Goals

250. 區域發展 regional development

251. 人均純收入 net per capita income

252. 人均國內生產總值 per capita gross domestic product (GDP)

253. 三角債 chain debts

254. 商品流通體制改革 reform of commodity circulation

255 社會主義市場經濟 socialist market economy



