
《I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning》教案及反思大綱

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爲了幫助各位小學二年級英語老師做好充足的教學準備,下面本站小編爲大家帶來二年級英語上冊《I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning》教案及反思,供大家參考!

《I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning》教案及反思

《I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning》教案:


1、能熟練掌握本模塊所教的詞組: get up, go to school, have lunch.

2、讓學生聽懂、會說、會用句型:I get up at ___ o’clock. I go to school at __ o’clock. I have lunch at ___ o’clock.




1、詞組: get up, go to school, have lunch.

2、句型:I get up at ___ o’clock. I go to school at __ o’clock. I have lunch at ___ o’clock.







Step 1 Warming-up

Step 2 Presentation of the new phrases

1. Learn to say the new words.(CAI)

CAI: Flash the clock very quickly.

T: Do you want to play a game? Let’s play magic eyes.

What’s the time?

S1: 10 o’clock.…

T: What’s the time now?

S2: It’s 7 o’clock.

T: What does Miss Yuan do at 7 o’clock?

T: I get up at 7 o’clock.(CAI)

Read after me and do action: get up.

Drill: read one by one.

T: I get up at 7 o’clock. How about you?

S2: I get up at 7 o’clock.

Learn to read: go to school, have lunch

2. Play a passing game.

(Ask two students to come here. I’ll show the card to the class. The class do actions. These two students should speak out as quickly as possible.)

3. Sing a song.

What do you do? What do you do?

I get up. I get up.

What do you do? What do you do?

Go to school. Go to school.

What do you do? What do you do?

I have lunch. I have lunch.

What do you do? What do you do?

I go home. I go home.

What do you do? What do you do?

Go to bed. Go to bed.(放音樂,師生邊做動作邊唱)

Step 3 Presentation of the text.

Read the text.

Step 4 Consolidation

1. Task 1: Make a competition between groups.

(stick 2 clocks on the blackboard.)

(Ask two students to come to the front. Dial the clock, then tell me when they get up.)

S1: (dial)I get up at 7 o’clock.

S2: (dial)I get up at 6 o’clock.

2. Task 2: This is my day.

(play the record: the sounds of getting up, go to school, having lunch, playing basketball, reading English, going to bed; Give each group of the students a piece of paper, there are some sentences on it.)

Ask the students to listen and put the sentences in the right order, then talk about: this is my day.

S: I get up at 7 o’clock. I go to school at 8 o’clock. I have lunch at 12 o’clock. I play basketball at 4 o’clock…

T: Please talk about your day in groups.

3. Ask some students to talk about it.

Step 5 Ending

Please talk: “This is my day” to your parents.

《I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning》教學反思:

興趣是最好的老師。這次教研課我選擇了Module 5 中 Unit 1 I get up at seven o’clock in the morning. 爲了達到教學目標,我採用以活動和遊戲爲主的教學形式,讓學生通過參與活動,能夠運用所學進行英語交流,培養學生[此文轉於斐斐課件園 FFKJ.Net]之間小組分工合作、自主學習的能力。

本課的教學目標是讓學生聽懂、會說詞組:get up, go to school, have lunch,play football, go home, go to bed,;會說、會用句型:I get up at ___ o’clock. I go to school at __ o’clock. I have lunch at ___ o’clock. 並能運用句型進行會話;通過參與教學活動,提高學生的語言運用能力,並培養學生[此文轉於斐斐課件園 FFKJ.Net]合作、自主學習的能力。教學重點難點是運用所學進行口語會話。

本課首先從歌曲切入,創造一個良好的英語學習氛圍。通過謎語來引入時間的表達方式。這樣不僅鞏固了上一節課所學,而且激發了學生的學習興趣。接着通過卡片來新授本課的新詞組:get up, go to school, have lunch,play football, go home, go to bed等,並通過不同的遊戲來鞏固每一個新授的詞組,不僅激發了學生的興趣,而且很直觀,讓學生很快就能掌握這些新詞組,爲最後的口語對話奠定了基礎。

這節課我主要採用了TPR全身反應教學法。用簡單明瞭的動作貫穿全文,方便學生記憶背誦課文、理解課文,可謂一舉兩得。課中播放了課件,讓學生帶着問題來看課件,既是一種放鬆,又是一種很好的學習的方式。另外我設計了一個My day,讓學生根據練習說說自己的一天,先說給同桌聽,然後再說給全班同學聽。通過這個活動,不僅鞏固了新句型,拓展了所學新知,且調動了他們學習英語的積極性,包括那些平時缺少自信的孩子,在分工合作的過程中也能出一份力,在相互的幫助、配合下能積極主動地參與實踐活動。而教師在引導學生主動學習的過程中,就好比一個引路人,對於不同層次的學生,我要想使他們都能到達知識大門前,就要根據他們差參不齊的現狀,爲他們設計不同的道路,不同的道路會有不同的問題等着學生們去學習,去思考,但最終目的是,他們都能從不同道路上走到同一扇知識大門前,並且開啓這扇門,從而達到對知識的理解、掌握和運用。此文轉自斐。斐課件。園 FFKJ.Net

總的來說,這節課較好地完成了教學任務和教學目的,通過這節課的學習,學生基本掌握了 “get up,go to school,have lunch,go home,watch TV,go to bed”和 I ...at ...o’clock.”等等重點單詞和句型。學生基本上能用初步的英語來表達自己一天的作息時間。在這節課中,上課一開始以歌曲作爲熱身活動,不僅活躍了氣氛,而且可以把學生的注意力引到課堂上,也爲下面的新授課做了鋪墊,更爲創設輕鬆愉快的課堂氣氛奠定了良好的基礎。在中間的環節中,用chant的形式把這節課所學的短語套入歌曲之中,深受學生的喜愛,他們對英語chant都特感興趣,而且是熟悉的音調,所以學得特別快,自然對短語的記憶也加深了。不僅活躍了課堂氣氛,也提高了學生學習的積極性,還操練和鞏固了其所學的新知識。在課堂的教學的各個環節,設計了形式多樣的活動,讓學生在各種不同的活動中體驗和感知。



《I get up at 7 oclock in the morning》教案及反思



