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ing-bottom: 61.41%;">商務禮節美語第77期:萬聖節前夕(3)

L: Back when I was a kid, everyone came dressed as a ghost or a mummy or a vampire. These days there are lots of costumes available and people try their best to come up with original ideas.

Susan: (sarcastic) Great! You just added to my pressure! I have no idea what kind of costume to wear.
L: What's your favorite horror movie?

S: I actually like Japanese ghost stories. Western horror movies don't scare me; they just make me sick to my stomach. Japanese ghost stories terrify me, though.

Lenny告訴Susan說,他小時候那會兒,大家無非是穿成吸血鬼和殭屍什麼的,但如今,各式各樣萬聖節的裝扮和道具商店裏應有盡有,people try their best to come with original ideas. to come up with 是想出,original 是新穎的,獨到的,這句話意思是大家都想方設法與衆不同。Lenny 給Susan 出主意,問她最喜歡看的鬼電影是什麼。Susan 說自己不愛看西方恐怖片 horror movie,因爲 they just make me sick to my stomach. 看了只會讓我噁心。sick to one's stomach 是噁心的意思。相反的,日本的恐怖片卻能把她嚇個半死。

L: Then come as a Japanese ghost! you can wear a white sheet and get a long wig! Push your hair in front of your face and you'd make a great ghost!

S: How about a witch? I'm a n like to look nice. I want to be I want to look good, too!

L: 'd make a very attractive witch!

Lenny建議Susan索性裝扮成一個日本恐怖片裏走出來的鬼,身上披個白牀單,戴個長長的假髮,假髮是 wig, 然後把假髮全都蓋在臉上,活脫脫就是一個討債的惡鬼。Susan 嫌醜不願意,說自己更願意扮成一個漂亮的女巫。

S: How about you? What are you coming as?

L: I'm coming as a serial killer! I've got fake blood and a huge fake knife! It's going to be cool!

S: Sounds like ...I'm in.

L: Wonderful! See you at the party!

S: Thanks for talking me into it!

L: You're welcome!

Susan 問 Lenny 要裝扮成什麼。Lenny 說自己要穿成一個 serial killer 連環殺手,serial is spelled s-e-r-i-a-l, serial, serial 是連續的意思。Susan 最後說,sounds like ...I'm in. 意思是聽起來真好玩,我加入,她還感謝 Lenny 說服自己參加,to talk someone into something 意思是說服某人做某事。



