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一、機場迎接外賓(meeting foreign guests at the airport)常用句子

1. You must be our long-expected guest Mr.Wilson from the U.S.你一定是我們盼望已久的客人,從美國來的威爾遜先生吧!

2. I'm happy to have the pleasure of meeting you.見到你很高興。

3. I'm delighted to meet you at last.很高興,終於見到你了。

4.I'm so pleased to have finally met you./It's been my pleasure meeting you./ It was nice to meet you.很高興認識你。(道別用語)

5.How was your journey?你旅途如何?

6. I hope you’ve had a pleasant flight /trip旅途愉快吧!

7.The in-flight service was satisfactory./The air service was satisfactory.機上服務很令人滿意。/機上服務很好。

8. We’ve been expecting you ever since you sent us the fax informing us of your date of arrival.自從你把來訪日程傳真給我們以來,我們一直在期待着你的到來。

9. And I'll be very happy if I can help you with anything如能爲你效勞,我將很高興。

10. May I help you with your baggage/luggage?我替你拿行李好嗎?

11. I would like you to meet our managing director,Mr.Wang.我向你介紹一下我們的總經理王先生。

12. I have been looking forward to meeting you.我一直盼着能見到你。

13. I've heard so much about you.Glad to meet you.久聞大名。今日相見榮幸之至。

14.Well,if it isn’t Mr.Wilson.How are you?嗨!這不是威爾遜先生嗎?你好嗎?

15. Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me in person.謝謝你親自過來接我。

16. I would like to introduce you to http://Mr.Li我想把你介紹給李先生。

17. I'm delighted to make your acquaintance.很高興認識你。

二、去賓館On the way to hotel

1.We have reserved a single room in your name.我們以你的名義預訂了一個單間。

2. The hotel is well appointed and conveniently located賓館設施齊全,交通便利,位置優越。

3.I would like to show you our tentative itinerary我想向你介紹一下我們初步擬訂的活動日程。

4. How would you like a room overlooking the sea?你喜歡可以看海的房間嗎?

5. We have a tight schedule for your short/brief stay.I hope you don't mind.對你短暫的訪問,我們爲你安排的日程很緊,希望你不會


6.At your request, we have reserved the Ming House suite for you, which is located in the Shanghai International Center for Cultural Exchange.


7. We'll do everything we can to accommodate you and make

you feel at home.我們將盡力爲你服務,使你有一種賓至如歸的感覺。

8. If you should encounter any inconveniences please do not hesitate to let me know, and I’ll be very glad to help you out.你若有不便之處,請隨時直言相告。我很樂意爲你排憂解難。

9. You’ll certainly need a good rest after such a long flight Perhaps I should let you rest now.長途飛行之後你應好好休息一下。我就不打攪你休息了。

10.Id like to confirm the room charge per night.What's the rent for it?


11. I'm sorry I can’t give you a description of the hotel services in just a few words. Please ask the reception clerk for details.很報歉,賓館服務無法用幾句話就能說明,詳細情況請諮詢總檯接待員。

三、打電話(making phone calls)常用句子

1. This is Mr. Wilson speaking. Who's calling?我是威爾遜。你是哪一位?

2. May I speak to Mr. Wilson?請找威爾遜先生。

3. Can I ask him to call you back when he's back?他回來後,我讓他給你會電話,可以嗎?

4. Operator, would you please put me through to Mr.Wilson?小姐(先生),請幫我接威爾遜先生。

5.He is on the other line.Can I take a message?他在接電話,我可以捎個信嗎?

6. Hold on,please. I'll find out the exact time of the appointment.請稍等(請別掛斷)。我查一下約會的確切時間。

7.May I have your name and phone number please?你可以留下姓名和電話嗎?

8. I'd like to make an appointment with you.我想和你預約一下。

9.Tomorrow won’t do.I'm afraid because I have another prior appointment /engagement.明天恐怕不行,因爲我已另有約會。

10. Can we make it next Monday?


11.I want to have a talk with you about the plan.What time would be convenient for you?我想和你談談這個計劃,你什麼時間合適?

12. Mr.Wilson,what a nice surprise to talk to you威爾遜先生,接到你的電話真叫人驚喜。

13. Then when can I reach him?那我何時可以找到他?

14. I'd like to leave a message for him to call me back.My number is 5812473extension 8374.


四、在飯店(At A restaurant)常用句子

1. Show me your menu,please請讓我看一下你們的菜單。

2. We’ve got a reservation for dinner this evening.I'm John Hanks.我們預訂了今晚的桌子。我叫約翰·漢克斯。

3.Could you recommend your specialists?請向我們推薦一下你們的特色菜。

4.What seasonal seafood do you have today?今天你們有什麼時令海鮮?

5. Are you ready to order now?你們準備好點什麼菜了嗎?

6. How would you like it cooked?你喜歡什麼火候的?

7.Would you like tea or coffee?你喜歡喝茶還是咖啡?

8. Please bring some mineral water.請拿些礦泉水來。

9.Abalone slices with oyster sauce is the best of our kitchen蠔油鮑魚片是我們廚房最拿手的好菜。

10. I'd like/Id prefer/I’ll have/Ill order/Ill take a chicken curry.我想點一份咖喱雞。

11. Don’t stand on ceremony.Please help yourself to the dishes.不要客氣。請隨便吃菜。

12. I’ll take a little more.It’s tasty,but I’m almost full我再來一點。太好吃了。但我快飽了。

13. It's on me tonight./It's my treat tonight.今晚我請客。

14. Make it Dutch./ Let's go Dutch.各付各的。

15. We'd like to have separate checks.我們想分別付賬。

五、參觀工廠(Visiting A Factory)常用句子

1.You do want to visit our manufacturing factory don”t you Mr. Hill?希爾先生,你想參觀一下我們的工廠嗎?

2. I'd appreciate it if you could arrange for me to visit your manufacturers.如果你能安排我參觀這家制造廠,那我太感謝了。

3.Let me introduce Mr.Wang the Deputy Director of the factory.讓我介紹一下王先生。王先生是我們廠的副廠長。

4.On behalf of all our workers i welcome you to our plant我代表我們全體工人歡迎你們來我廠。

5.Could you tell me how many workers you employ here?你能告訴我這個廠有多少工人嗎?

6. The factory has four workshops and a total of 600 workers and staff.我們廠有四個車間,六百個職工。

7.Our plant employs a group of professional designers我們廠擁有一批專業的設計人員

8.What is the total annual output of the factory?貴廠年產量是多少?

9.We have four plants throughout China,and this one is the second biggest. Its annual output is approximately24000tons.我們在全國有四個工廠,這是第二大的,其年生產量約爲24 000噸。

10. How many articles do you produce per shift?每個輪班你們能生產多少件?

11. We’ve spent a great deal of money on equipment in this plant.


12. Shall I give you a general picture of our factory before we

see the workshops?在參觀車間以前我是否可以先講一講我廠的概況?

13. Basically there are three parts to the plant:the supply area,the assembly area and the dispatch area.廠區基本上分成三個部分:供貨區、組裝區和發貨區。

14. Quality control is an essential factor, and that is why we have our own quality control department.質量監督是一個至關重要的因素。我們的質監科就是爲此而設立的。

15. We’d like you to give us your honest opinion including any suggestions you may have for improvements我們希望你能真誠地提出意見與建議,以便我們改進。

六、公司介紹(Company introduction)常用句子

1. I work in the Silk Import & Export Corporation,which employs more than 100 people.


2.Our office is on the fifth floor of the Foreign Trade Building.


3. Our aim is to create a world-famous brand and be one of the

world's top 500 companies我們的目標是創立世界名牌,進入世界500強。

4. Our corporation specializes in the export of textiles.我們公司專營紡織品的出口。

5. We export our goods mainly to European market我們的產品主要出口到歐洲市場。

6. We are a Sino-US joint venture with registered capital of US $1,000,000.我們是一家中美合資企業,註冊資本爲一百萬美元。

7. Our company was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

in 1990.我公司是1990年在香港股票交易所上市的。

8.We have 15 retail outlets nation wide We now command15% of the market in home appliances.我們在國內有15個零售點。在家電市場上有15%的佔有率。

9. We are one of the largest importers of building materials in

East Asia.我們是東亞地區最大的建材進口商之一。

10.Apart from arts and crafts we also deal in/handle all kinds of furniture.除了工藝品,我們還經營各種傢俱。

11. Our corporation was established/founded/formed/created set up in 1964 and has now over twenty branches overseas我們公司創建於1964年,現在國外有二十幾個分公司。

City Introduction And Sightseeing城市介紹和遊覽

1. There are a lot of places that are worth visiting有很多值得參觀的地方。

2. I'd prefer to visit famous historical sites.我更喜歡參觀名勝古蹟。

3. It's a garden in the traditional Victorian style這是一個傳統的維多利亞式的花園。

4. Now we are approaching the top of the mountain我們快到山頂了。

5. The city enjoys a long history and a splendid culture.這座城市有着悠久的歷史和燦爛的文化。

6.I feel as if I were in a different world我覺得自己好像置身於一個世外桃源。

7.We’re passing the oldest building in the city我們正經過這座城市最古老的建築。

8.This is an ideal place for sightseeing and shopping這兒是觀光和購物的好去處。

9. The Great Wall is a man-made wonder.長城是人造奇蹟。

10. This is the busiest street in the city.It's the commercial and cultural center of the city.這是本市最繁華的街道,是本市的商業文化中心。

七、談天氣Talking About Weather常用句子

1. It’s a lovely day,isn’t it?/Wonderful weather, isn’t it?天氣不錯,對吧!

2. It looks like it's going to rain.天看起來要下雨。

3.What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?明天的天氣預報怎麼說?

4.The weather forecast says it's fair to cloudy天氣預報說晴到多雲。

5.It looks as though a storm is brewing看來一場暴風雨就要來了。

6. The wind is getting stronger/going down.風勢在加強/減弱。

7.I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow.不知道明天天氣怎麼樣。

8. The rain is beginning to let up.雨開始變小了。

9. We're going to have a cold spell.要來寒流了。

10. Cloudy in the morning, overcast in the afternoon.上午多雲,下午轉陰。

11. I'm not used to the hot and dry weather in Beijing我不太適應北京這種又熱又幹的氣候。

12. I hope the good weather will come back soon真希望天氣快點好起來。

13. I prefer sunny days to rainy days.我喜歡睛朗的日子,不太喜歡下雨的日子。

14. The temperature seldom goes five degrees below zero centigrade.


15. It must be the fog that makes one feel so chill.一定是大霧使人感到這麼冷嗖嗖的


1. It's a pity that you’re leaving so soon.真遺憾你這麼快就要走了。

2. It was great to see you again. I hope you have a good trip to


3. It’s time for us to say good-bye now.Thank you for all your help.


4. I'm looking forward to seeing you again.我期望着再次見到你。

5. I'm deeply impressed by what I’ve seen and heard during this visit.這次訪問中的所見所聞給我留下了深刻的印象。

6.I think well meet again soon.我想咱們會很快再見面的。

7. It's time for you to board the plane/train/ship now你該上飛機/火車/輪船了。

8. It's very nice of you to come all this way to see me off謝謝你專程趕來爲我送行。

9. Time goes so quickly.It looks as if you’d been here for only one day.


10. We’re glad you have enjoyed your stay here.很高興你在這兒過得很愉快。

11. Don’t forget to look me up if you and Mr.Wang are ever in America.


九、歡迎詞Welcome Speech常用句子

1. Speaking on behalf of our company,I would like to say how delighted we have been to receive you here我代表我們公司表示非常高興在這裏接待你們。

2.Ladies and gentlemen,I’d like to take this opportunity to say a few words.女士們、先生們,我想利用這個機會說幾句話。

3.On behalf of Sinochem I want to extend a warm welcome to you and to thank you for joining us tonight我代表中國化工進出口總公司向你們致以熱烈的歡迎,感謝你們今天晚上光臨我們的宴會。

4. I would like to thank you for your kind words感謝你這番親切友好的談話。

5.Let's drink a toast to the success of our negotiations.讓我們爲談判的成功而乾杯。

6. I ask you to raise your glasses in a toast to the expansion of the trade between us.請大家舉杯,爲我們之間貿易的發展千杯。

7.Ladies and gentlemen, let's drink to the success of this


8. We are sure your visit to China will be-rewarding我們相信,你這次中國之行將是有收穫的。

9.I hope your trip to China will mark the beginning of a long

standing cooperation between us.我希望你們此次中國之行將標誌着我們之間長期合作的


10. I'm greatly honored/privileged/It's my great honor/

privilege to speak at this reception我爲能在招待會上發表講話而深感榮幸。

11. I wish the conference a complete success!我預祝大會圓滿成功!

十、產品介紹Introduction Of Products常用句子

1. We are glad to have the opportunity to introduce our newly

developed product to you.很高興能有此機會向貴公司介紹我們新開發的產品。

2.We are supplying a full range of silk products to various


3. We deal in a variety of household appliances such as TV

sets,refrigerators,air-conditioners,microwave,ovens and so on.我們經營各種家用電子產品,如電視機、冰箱、空調,微波爐等等。

4.Cosmetics are our best selling goods. They sell out fast

every year.我們的化妝品最好賣,每年都賣得很快。

5.Our products are well received wherever they go.我們的產品無論到哪都深受歡迎。

6. Because it’s good for people’s health, it has become more

and more popular.由於對健康有益,它越來越受歡迎。

7.Our products range includes machine tools and household

electrical appliances我們的產品系列包括機牀和家電。

8.Our products are available in various models and sizes.


9. We have been engaged in silk production for the past 50


10. Please just try and test the merits of our new product,and

also its own wonderful mobility!敬請測試本公司新產品的性能,以及它絕佳的機動性。

11. The moisturizer we deal in was awarded a gold medal at an

international expo我們經營的加溼器曾獲國際展覽會金獎。

12. Our products have passed the ISO authentication last year


13. Products tend to go in and out of fashion in a shot time.產品很快入時又很快就過時了。

十一、詢盤與報盤Enquiries And Offers常用句子

1.Here's a list of our requirements.這兒有一份我們的需求清單。

2. We have been thinking of placing an order if they’re the type we're looking for.我們在考慮,如果型號是我們所需的,我們就訂貨。

3. Please let us know what discount you may grant us if we

place an order for 10,000 tons?如果訂購一萬噸,你方會給多少折扣?

4. May I know what particular items you are interested in?你們對哪種商品感興趣?

5. We want to find out if Article No.16 is available我們想了解十六號商品是否有貨。

6. Please let us have your lowest quotation on the basis of CFR


7. I'll check how much we have in stock.我去查查我們還有多少庫存。

8. We’ll place a big order if your price is acceptable


9.We're working on your quotation and will contact you


10.We will keep our offer open/valid/firm/effective/good for

three days.我們的報價有效期爲三天。


1. We have no idea whether this product with new specifications will be marketable here.我們不知道這種新規格的產品在這裏是否有銷路。

2. I'm afraid we’ll have a hard time persuading our users to

accept the new specification.恐怕很難勸說我們的用戶接受這個新規格的產品。

3.Thank you very much for the catalogue s you sent to us

which we find very informative.非常感謝你們寄來的產品目錄,我們發現內容很豐富。

4.We have a rich assortment. All around here are some samples of new designs.我們有很多花色品種,這裏展出的都是新設計的樣品。

5. For men's coats, we have four sizes, small,medium large, and extra large.男士外衣,我們有四種尺寸:小號、中號、大號和特大號。

6.We can arrange production to meet national characteristics

and habitual tastes of different countries我們可以根據不同國家的民族特點和風俗習慣來安排生產。

7.We always keep an eye on customers’preference and make

our products according to what our customers are likely to

need want and like.我們總是密切注意客戶的喜好,並根據客戶的需求和愛好組織生產。

8. The designs and colors of our products will almost exactly

match your needs.我們產品的式樣和顏色幾乎完全符合你方的要求。

9. Your products should be all up to the samples.你方產品必須與樣品完全一致。

10. Please submit specifications,preferably with illustrations.請告規格,最好附有圖片說明。

11. This product presents the top craftsmanship.這種產品代表了頂級的工藝水平。


1.We usually don’t grant any discount for small quantities.


2.Our price is in line with the prevailing/ruling international


3. Market is advancing/going-up/strengthening/rising


4. Market is falling/dropping/going down/weakening


5.Market is strong/firm/steady/active.


6.Market is easy/weak/gloomy/sluggish


7.I wouldn’t have quoted you such a low price if it weren’t for a large quantity要不是數量大,我們還不會給你報這麼低的價格呢。

8. In view of our good cooperation over the past years,we are

prepared to reduce our price by 2%.鑑於我們過去多年的友好合作,我們準備降價2%。

9. The price has gone up 3% since July of last year.自去年七月份以來,價格上漲了 3%。

10.One cannot take price separately from quality不能離開質量來談價格。

11. The best I can do is to give you a 2% commission.我最多隻能給你2%的佣金。

12. I'm afraid there is not much room for further reduction我恐怕沒有多大降價的餘地。

13. We would only consider a price reduction if the order is for20,000 tonnes or more.如果訂購額達到20000噸或者更多,我們才能考慮減價問題。

14. This is our rock bottom price. We can't lower it any


十四、包裝Packing 常用句子

1. The packaging must be seaworthy and strong enough to stand

rough handling.包裝必須適合海運,足夠牢固,經得住野蠻裝卸。

2. The goods are to be packed in wooden cases containing 20dozen each.貨物用木箱包裝,每箱裝20打。

3.Cement is to be packed in double kraft-paper bags,each

containing 50 kilos.水泥要用雙層牛皮紙袋包裝,每袋裝50公斤。

4. Pens are packed in paper boxes,10 pieces to one box.


5.The packing of this article features novel design and

diversified styles.這一產品的包裝特點是設計新穎,形式多樣。

6. The new packing of the porcelain is in Chinese national style

and suitable for display in supermarkets.陶瓷的包裝具有中國特色,適合在超級市場上展銷。

7.Each package should be marked“Fragile”每件包裝上都要標明“易碎品”。

8. No name of country or trade mark is to appear on the outside


9. The cases are to be marked with our initials in a diamond as usual.跟往常一樣,箱子上要刷一菱形,內寫我公司的首字母。

10. Your packing must be improved.你們的包裝必須改善。


1. Could you consider prompt shipment for this lot?我們這批貨能否考慮即期裝運?

2. We usually ship goods by regular liners.我們通常採用班輪運輸。

3. We'd like to accept your proposal to change the unloading port to Los Angeles.我們願意接受你們的建議,把卸貨港改成洛杉磯。

4. Our customer requests the shipment be made in three equal

lots. each every two months我們客戶要求分三批等量裝運,每兩個月裝一批。

5.We will arrange shipment immediately after we receive your


6.We could book shipping space onS.S.“Dongfeng”before

the 10th of March我方可在三月十日前向“東風”輪預訂艙位。

7.The causes for this delay of shipment were beyond our


8.We have not yet received your shipping advice Please let us

know whether shipment has been effected.我方至今未收到裝船通知,請告知是否已經裝船。

9. Shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit-as

further extension will not be-considered裝船期必須限於預定的日期,再次展期將不予考慮。

10.How much do you charge for the transportation of the  goods?你們運輸這些貨物收費多少?

11.Freight charges and insurance premiums for container-

shipped goods are generally lower than those for goods not

shipped in containers.集裝箱裝運的貨物運費及保險費一般均低於不用集裝箱裝運的貨物。

12.Delivery had to be put off due to the strike of the workers

at the port.由於港口工人罷工,交貨只好推遲。

13. We forwarded you by airmail a full set of non-negotiable

documents immediately after the goods were loaded.貨物裝船後我們馬上航空寄給你方一整套裝運單據副本。

14. The most common types of containers are open top

Containers,dry containers,ventilated containers,refrigerated

Containers,bulk containers and flat racks最常見的集裝箱有開頂集裝箱、乾貨集裝箱、通風集裝箱、冷凍集裝箱、散貨集裝箱和框架集裝箱。




