
第16課:Choosing cloth 語言剖析

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sing cloth


Spring and Daphne are going shopping. The clothes there are fashion but very expensive,how does she choose cloth?

Salesclerk:Good morning, can I help you?
Daphne: No, thanks. We are just looking around.
Salesclerk: Take your time. Please let me know if you need any help.
Daphne: OK, thanks. We will.
Spring: Oh,Daphne, the clothes here are expensive! No wonder there are only a few people in here.
Daphne: Beauty costs, friend. Oh, look at this pink skirt, how cute!
Spring: Believe it or not, they look cute, but not very practical.
Daphne: Come on, Spring, don't talk like my Mom.
Spring: When you buy clothes, you must consider the material, quality and price.
Daphne: But fashion changes!
Spring: Make sure the clothes can be worn for various occasions.
Daphne: All right, Spring. Hey, look, I'm sure this is the same skirt that Spice Girl wear.
(好吧,Spring 。嘿,看,我肯定這是辣妹中的一人穿過的。)
Spring: Definitely! Oh, I love Spice Girls! I gotta get this skirt!


1. We are just looking around.
We are just looking around. 我們只是看一看
另外一個表達,We are just browsing.也表示我們就先看一看 非常的實用,國外商場奢侈品很多,服務員也很熱情,不過你暫時還買不起名貴的包包,香水,衣服啊,你可以說well,I am just looking around.或者I am just browsing.看看也無妨嘛!

2. Take your time
Take your time 我不打擾你,請隨便
比如你家裏舉辦生日宴會,老外朋友早早就到了,但是2個小時之後纔開飯,你還得接待其他的親朋好友,這時你可以說,Take your time,we will not have lunch until 2 hours latter.悠着點,在我們家先看看,我們兩小時之後開飯呢

3. let me know
let me know 告訴我
Please let me know if you need any help.如果您需要幫助的話請告訴我。這也是一個很好的表達,let sb know比tell sb表達更禮貌,比如你認識一個剛到中國的老外朋友,到這裏人生地不熟,可能上網買個東西都需要幫忙,但是如果你說Please tell me know if you need any help.會讓人有一種有求於人的感覺,不如Please let me know if you need any help.更加友好,禮貌。同時表達也更豐富。

4. No wonder
No wonder 難怪
You never work wonder is so difficult for you to learn English!你從來都不張嘴練習,難怪口語難以提升呢!Wonder還有奇蹟的意思,Seven wonders in the world 世界七大奇蹟,還有一個單詞miracle,也表示奇蹟,a miracle drug 靈丹妙藥

5. Beauty costs
Beauty costs 美麗的代價
你的朋友爲了漂亮,吃減肥藥保持身材,結果搞壞了身體,你也可以感嘆Beauty costs.這就是追求美麗的代價啊。

6. Believe it or not, they look cute, but not very practical.
Believe it or not 信不信由你 ;practical 實用的
Believe it or not,English is getting more and more important.不管你信不信,英語正變得越來越重要。你相信我嗎?我們一般不用Do you believe me?而用Do you trust me?泰坦尼克號中傑克和肉絲的一段經典對白就用了這個表達,在船頭上,Jack問Rose,Do you trust me?Rose深情的回答,I trust you.
Practical 是實用的的意思,Practical ability實踐能力,Practical English實戰英語。

7. I'm sure this is the same skirt that Spice Girl wear.
I'm sure 我肯定
You never work wonder is so difficult for you to learn English!I'm sure 表示我肯定,也可以用上一節課我們學到的單詞bet,I bet this is the same skirt that Spice Girl wear.我敢打賭這是辣妹中的一人穿過的。語氣更堅定,更強烈。 Spice Girl是英國非常有名的女子樂隊的組合,英文歌wannabe就是出自Spice Girl。

8. Definitely
Definitely 是的,沒錯
Definitely! 表示對對方說話的肯定,在口語當中很常用,另外一個單詞exactly,也可以用來表示同意對方的觀點。


第16課:Choosing cloth 語言剖析


