
如何提高女性的競爭力 How to Improve Female’s Competitiveness

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It is truth that gender discrimination still exists when female comes to find work, some females never mention her gender on the resume, just to make sure that the employers will give them the chances to get the interview. Females should improve their competiveness, so that they will have more work chances.

ing-bottom: 53.28%;">如何提高女性的競爭力 How to Improve Female’s Competitiveness
事實上,當女性去找工作的時候,性別歧視仍然存在,一些女性從來不在簡歷上提到自己的性別,僅僅是爲了確保僱主能給她們機會面試。女性應該提高她們的競爭力,這樣她們就會有更多的工作機會。First, the female should show their positive attitudes toward the life and work. Female students should see their advantages clearly before hunting for a job, and highlight it in their resumes. For instance, they might emphasize that they are careful and considerate in work, patient and cooperate with colleagues as well. But the positive toward life and work brings them to a high level, which will impress the employer.第一,女性應該展示她們樂觀的生活和工作態度。女學生應該在找工作前清楚地瞭解她們的優勢,並在簡歷上面強調。比如,她們可以強調她們在工作上認真和細心,對同事有耐心和樂於合作。但是樂觀的生活和工作態度能讓她們更上一個臺階,也能給僱主留下深刻的印象。Second, female students must be confident. Lots of big companies like to hold a group discussion to select people, those who are silent and find it difficult to get involved in the discussion will not be considered. The employers think such people are not confident and won’t do well in the work.第二,女學生必須自信。很多大型公司喜歡舉行小組討論來選人,那些保持沉默和難以融入討論的人是不被考慮在內的。僱傭者認爲這樣的人不自信,無法勝任工作。It is necessary for women to improve competiveness, if they want to go further than males. The positive attitude and being confident will let female win more chances.對於女性來講,提高競爭力是很重要的,如果他們想要比男性走得更遠些。樂觀的態度和表現自信會讓女性贏得更多的機會。


