
農民應進城做工嗎? Should Peasants Go to cities to Find a Job?

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Today, it’s quite a common phenomenon that more and more people from the countryside go to big cities to work. In some villages, even the women have gone to cities. Only the old and the children are left at home.

ing-bottom: 66.56%;">農民應進城做工嗎? Should Peasants Go to cities to Find a Job?
如今,越來越多的來自鄉村的人們去城市找工作,這種現象十分普遍。在一些村子裏,連婦女們也到城市打工。只有老人和小孩留在家中。In my opinion, it’s not advisable for those young people to flock into big cities. For one thing, the old need to be looked after, and their children need to be looked after. Without the company of the young, the old may suffer from the loneliness, and without the love and care of parents, the children will not grow up healthily. For another, whether those young people can make a better living there is still in doubt, because the expense of living is too high, and the competition is so fierce in big cities. Although most of them work hard day and night, they still find it difficult to support their life.在我看來,這些年輕人涌入城市的做法是不明智的。因爲首先老人需要照看,孩子也需要人照顧。沒有兒女的陪伴,老人會覺得孤單,而孩子缺少父母的關愛,這不利於他們的身心健康。再者,青年人能否在城市過上好生活也不確定,因爲城市的開銷也很高,大城市的競爭壓力也激烈。儘管他們大多數人都日夜工作,也會發現生活仍舊很困難。Accordingly, before making their decision, those young should consider whether they are capable of the city life. Moreover, they ought to think more about the need of their family.因此,在定下決心外出務工之前,青年人們應該考慮好自己是否能適應城市生活。此外,他們還應該考慮下家人的需要。


