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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling and featuring Harry Potter, a young wizard. It describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard, makes close friends, and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and with the help of his friends thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents and tried to kill Harry when he was one year old.


送給自己的兒童節禮物:十大經典非動畫影片(圖) 第2張


Julien, an aging widower, is a passionate butterfly collector. Elsa, a nine-year-old girl, with her mother, just moved into his apartment building. The mother is usually away, and Elsa starts visiting Julien. One day, Julien decides to go to the Vercors plateau in search for a rare butterfly called Isabelle which can live for only 72 hours. Elsa decides to join his adventure, without telling him. Julien grudgingly agrees to let her stay. During the search Julien eventually reveals butterfly collecting was a hobby of his son, who then died very young. The story complicates when Elsa's mother reports her daughter kidnapped.


送給自己的兒童節禮物:十大經典非動畫影片(圖) 第3張


Dorothy Gale, a 12-year-old farmgirl, longs for "a place where there isn't any trouble", rather than her mundane Kansas farmhouse existence. After being knocked unconscious during a tornado by a window which has come loose from its frame, she begins to dream. In her dream, Dorothy, her dog Toto, and the farmhouse are transported to the magical Land of Oz. There, the Good Witch of the North, Glinda, advises Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City and meet the Wizard of Oz, who can return her to Kansas...


送給自己的兒童節禮物:十大經典非動畫影片(圖) 第4張


The film begins with the 1940 bombing of Finchley, London, during the Blitz. The Pevensie children, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, are in direct danger from the falling bombs. The children are evacuated to the country home of Professor Digory Kirke. One day while they are playing hide and seek, Lucy discovers a wardrobe and enters a wintry fantasy world called Narnia...

二戰期間,四個小孩子隨着父母來到鄉下避戰。這些鄉村住宅古色古香,其中有一個房間裏擺着一個大衣櫃。一天,幾個小孩子玩捉迷藏,露西躲進了衣櫃裏,眼前卻意外出現了一個神奇的世界——那裏白雪皚皚,荒無人煙。她在雪地上走着走着,遇上了人羊怪物。 其他孩子也一一進入這個魔法衣櫥。他們得知裏面的王國叫納尼亞,正在被一個邪惡的女巫所統治。女巫想把這幾個外來者一網打盡,同時這些孩子得知納尼亞正在女巫的黑暗統治後,和雄獅亞斯蘭並肩作戰,幫助納尼亞開始了復國之舉。

送給自己的兒童節禮物:十大經典非動畫影片(圖) 第5張


Nick Parker and Elizabeth James met and married each other during an ocean cruise on the QE2. Elizabeth gave birth to twin daughters Hallie and Annie (both played by Lohan), but the couple divorced and lost contact with each other, each parent raising one of the twins without telling her about her sister. Nick raised Hallie in the Napa Valley and became a wealthy wine grower, while Elizabeth raised Annie in London and became a famous wedding gown designer.

After the ocean cruise and onboard wedding ceremony, the story jumps ahead to a summer in which Nick and Elizabeth coincidentally enroll their daughters in the same summer camp. Annie and Hallie, who are now eleven years old, first meet at the end of a fencing match, when they remove their masks and see that they look alike. A comical hostility between the two girls leads to a prank war that ends when the camp counselors fall into one of Hallie's traps and isolate the twins from the other girls.

安妮和荷莉兩個小女孩在夏令營中相識。她們相貌驚人的相似,卻非常合不來。十分偶然的,她們知道了對方原來是自己的孿生姐妹。 她們開始互相打聽對方的生活,討論自己的父母:他們在一個豪華的航海輪船上相遇,在旅途中就結了婚。然而最後卻以感情破裂收場。因爲這場離異,雙胞胎姐妹一個被爸爸尼克帶到加州,生活在一個美麗的葡萄園;一個則被當婚紗設計師的媽媽麗莎帶到倫敦。兩人因此從未謀面,甚至不知道彼此的存在。 得知了這個真相,兩個調皮的小鬼開始謀劃她們的計策:她們決定調換身份,到對方的家庭去生活,一切都進展順利。直到父親要再婚,對後母的一場瘋狂狙擊大戰開始了……

送給自己的兒童節禮物:十大經典非動畫影片(圖) 第6張

外星人 E.T

Elliot is your normal boy, until one day, when he meets a little lost alien. Elliot decides to keep the alien, in which he gives the name E.T. Elliot works with E.T. in trying to find him a way to get back home. Elliot must make the difficult sacrifice. Whether to help his new friend or to lose him? Whatever the decision is, Elliot must keep him hidden, as someone else is out to look for him...

小埃利奧特發現一個意外走失的小外星人,他悄悄的收留了小外星人,並把他介紹給自己的哥哥和妹妹。孩子們與外星人友好的相處,給他吃巧克力,帶他去郊外尋找家人留下的痕跡,併爲小外星人的種種特異功能興奮不已。漸漸的埃利奧特與外星人之間形成了某種奇妙的聯繫,跨越了言語溝通的障礙。 可是不久,外星人的存在被大人們知曉,無情的追捕行動展開了。ET被抓進實驗室,小埃利奧特也一病不起。孩子們憤怒了,他們自發組織起來,營救外星人。埃利奧特也在心靈的感召下甦醒過來,加入營救行動。他們能成功麼?

送給自己的兒童節禮物:十大經典非動畫影片(圖) 第7張


Alice in Wonderland is a 2010 fantasy adventure film directed by Tim Burton. In the film, Alice is now nineteen years old and accidentally returns to Underland (misheard by Alice and believed to be called Wonderland), a place she visited thirteen years previously. She is told that she is the only one who can slay the Jabberwocky, a dragon-like creature controlled by the Red Queen who terrorizes Underland's inhabitants. Burton said the original Wonderland story was always about a girl wandering around from one weird character to another and he never felt a connection emotionally, so he wanted to make it feel more like a story than a series of events. He does not see this as a sequel to previous films, nor as a re-imagining.

愛麗斯始終被同一個夢魘所困擾,直到她20歲時參加的一場聚會。本認爲是一場無聊至極的聚會而已,沒想到卻是精心策劃的求婚儀式。面對養尊處優的公子哥哈米什突如其來的求婚,毫無準備的愛麗斯着實被嚇了一跳。愛麗斯被一隻身馬甲的兔子所吸引,在追趕過程中愛麗斯掉入了一個深不見底的樹洞裏,來到了一個如同仙境般不可思議的“地下世界”。此時,生活在地下世界的善良人們似乎都在盼望着她的到來,可是她卻認爲這是一場夢,只想快點醒過來回到現實世界。然而,在認識瘋瘋癲癲的瘋帽子之後,愛麗斯才知道地下世界正處於“紅桃皇后”的血腥統治之下,按照“皇曆”的預言,只是她才能幫助“白色皇后” ……

送給自己的兒童節禮物:十大經典非動畫影片(圖) 第8張


Charlie Bucket, a nice boy from a poor family, lives with his parents and both sets of elderly grandparents (Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina). From these four, especially Grandpa Joe, he hears stories about the candymaker Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory he built in Charlie's hometown. After rival chocolate makers sent in spies, posing as workers, in order to steal his recipes Mr. Wonka had decided to send home his workers and close the factory. Years of silence passed until one day, when the factory mysteriously came back to life. The gates remain locked however; the factory has resumed operations with workers whose identity is a mystery. Nobody, including Wonka, is seen going in or out of the factory anymore.

威利•王卡是一位偉大的巧克力發明人和製造商,經營着全世界最大的巧克力工廠——王卡巧克力工廠。那是座神祕的工廠,大門緊鎖,15年來,從來沒有看見有工人從大門進去或出來過,可是卻能聞到濃郁的巧克力香味。工廠出產的旺卡牌巧克力銷往世界各地,深受孩子們的喜愛。 有一天,威利•旺卡先生貼出告示:他在出產的巧克力裏面埋藏了五張金券,誰吃到了,就有機會參觀工廠,還能得到足夠吃一輩子的巧克力糖和其他糖果。小孩子們瘋狂搶購,最終五個小客人成爲幸運兒。 其中有一個小客人叫查理,家庭非常貧寒,在經歷兩次失敗後,他發現了最後一張金券,巧克力工廠的大門因此爲他打開。 五個孩子開始在這個魔幻工廠中冒險,吸引他們的除了神奇壯觀的巧克力製造世界之外,還有威利•王卡的 “神祕禮物”……

送給自己的兒童節禮物:十大經典非動畫影片(圖) 第9張


8-year-old Kevin McAllister is accidentally left behind when his family takes off for a vacation in France over the holiday season. Once he realizes they've left him home by himself, Kevin learns to fend for himself, and eventually has to protect his house against bumbling burglars Harry and Marv, who are planning to rob every house in Kevin's suburban Chicago neighborhood. Kevin's mother Kate is frantic when she realizes that she and the family have unintentionally left Kevin behind in Chicago, and she tries to make it back to Chicago as fast as she can, getting help from a polka band leader named Gus Polinski.

一年一度的聖誕節又到了。全家忙着外出歡度聖誕假期,不料忙中出錯,將家裏最小的成員——8歲的凱文留在了家裏。爸爸媽媽急壞了,可此時他們已經身在外地,一時亦無可奈何。倒是凱文樂壞了,難得一個人在家,凱文將家裏佈置成了“遊樂場”。 兩個剛出獄的竊賊將目光瞄向了凱文家。當他們鬼鬼祟祟的踏入凱文家時,凱文憑藉自己的醒目和家裏的“遊樂場機關”,和兩個笨賊玩起了 “遊戲”,笑料百出。凱文最後能否這場“遊戲”的勝利?

送給自己的兒童節禮物:十大經典非動畫影片(圖) 第10張


One day a puppy comes to the house of Akari, who has just turned twelve, and was trying hard to act strong after her mother suddenly fell ill. She immediately falls in love with the puppy and names it "Socks" after the paws which looked like they had white socks on. Akari was together with Socks day and night. However, as Akari grows up, her feelings and interest moves away from Socks. Year by year, their distance grows, which also leads to her physical distance as she moves to a far off city, and must leave Socks behind to a childhood day Akari remembers the 10 promises that she had made with Socks and her deceased mother...




