
雙語財經新聞 第87期:一小滴水

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A tiny drop of water washed away the land and buildings fell, floating away with other people’s dreams.

雙語財經新聞 第87期:一小滴水

Roadways planned and formed by huge machines and men who sweat and hammer the world into shape, were pushed away with little effort.

通過大型機器的操作以及用汗水、辛勞塑造這個世界的人們的不懈努力,一條 道路才最終得以設計、修建完成。然而,一小滴水卻能毫不費力地便將道路沖毀。

People ran and cars clogged highways in an effort to stay ahead of the possible destruction that tiny drop of water could cause.

公路上的行人開始驚慌奔逃,車裏的司機也拼命地努力衝向前方,好像那一小 滴水要毀掉一切似的。

“Wait! ” you say. “It was much more than a tiny drop of water. The streams overflowed and the rivers broke through their banks causing a wall of water to destroy those things.”

這時有人說廣等一等!還有比那一小滴水更可怕的呢!溪流已經溢出了河岸, 馬上就要將河壩沖垮啦! ”

Yes, but it was made up of tiny drops of water. Raindrops which together wore a path right through my yard with tittle effort. One drop, then two,then thousands, millions and all together they changed the world, our world.

是的,溪流只是由小小的水滴組成,卻有如此強大的力量。就像聚集的雨水能 毫不費力地將我院子裏的小路沖毀一樣。起初是一滴、兩滴,而後逐漸變成幾千滴、 幾萬滴,這些凝聚在一起的雨滴最終改變了世界,改變了整個人類的世界。

Can’t you see the significance in that?


i want to change the world. I am tired, worn out from weeping at the sight of still another death not just on the field of battle laid out by warriors, but in the streets of every city, in the fields of the impoverished, desolate reaches of the world. They are dying in my country and yours by bullet, by starvation, disease, arrogance, stupidity and pride.

我想改變世界,不僅僅是因爲常常看到戰場中犧牲的戰士,更是因爲在世界上 那些貧窮、荒涼的地區,甚至在每個城市的每個角落,到處都有人死亡。人類正在戰爭、飢餓、疾病,以及人性的傲慢、愚蠢和自大中瀕臨滅亡。

A tiny drop of water gave me hope.


I am but one drop in the sea of humanity, but like the rain I can join together with others and wash away the hatred and pain I anguish over. One drop, then two, then thousands, millions and all together we can change the world, our world.

我自己不正是我們人類這個大海洋中的一小滴水嗎?我完全可以團結身邊的 人,像雨水那樣凝聚起來,匯成一股強大的力量,最終把我們所有的仇恨和痛苦通 通沖走。由一個人、兩個人逐漸團結成幾千人、幾萬人,最終我們也可以改變世界, 改變我們人類自己的世界。

I want to change my life. I am tired of being in debt.丨 am worn out from trying to keep pace with the world. I have tried my very best to get ahead and find myself falling behind each step of the way,

我想改變自己的生活。因爲我已經厭煩了不斷地償還債務,已經厭倦了爲努力 跟上時代的腳步而付出的艱辛。我已經盡最大努力希望趕在別人前面,卻發現自己 還是被他們落在了後面。

A tiny drop of water gave me hope.


It fell upon the hillside just behind my house. One single drop of water joined with others forming a stream.


Like trying one more time. Like doing one more thing. Like pushing one more inch to reach the goal, the dream 丨 long to touch and make reality.

如果像那滴水一樣再嘗試一次,再付出一點努力,再爲目標前進一步,那麼我 一直渴望的夢想就會慢慢實現。

All my little efforts make big changes.


The little stream that ran down my driveway, never having been there before, began as one single drop, until one drop after another, trying again and again, washed the soil away and moved the tiny pebble and eventually the rock.

正如一直流向我的車道的這條小溪,它以前並不存在。起初只有自己的一小 滴,而後是幾滴、幾千滴、幾萬滴,最後逐漸彙集成一條小溪。它先是將泥土沖走,然 後將小鵝卵石沖走,最後竟沖走了那塊巨大的石頭。

I cannot push away the fear nor change my life overnight, but if I dedicate myself to one single effort each and every day, I will see the power of changing little things to make a big difference.

對我個人而言,我既不能將自己的恐懼驅散,也不可能在一夜之間改變我的生 活,但是如果每一天我都全力以赴地做出一次努力,那麼最終我會看到非同尋常的

A tiny drop of water gave me hope.


I am just one drop in the sea of humanity. But I have the power to change my life and the sacred obligation to move the world in the right direction.

我雖然只是我們人類海洋中的一滴,但我也有力量改變我的生活,肩負神聖的 職責,讓我們的世界朝着正確的方向前進。



One drop, then two, then thousands, millions and all together we change the world, our world.

由一個人、兩個人逐漸團結成幾千人、幾萬人,最終我們也可以改變世界,改變 我們人類自己的世界。

A tiny drop of water gave me hope.




