
退歐將永久損害英國經濟 British government says EU exit would deal £36bn blow to its public

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A British exit from the EU would cause “permanent damage” to the UK economy, cutting output by 6.2 per cent and blowing a £36bn hole in the public finances, finance minister George Osborne claimed yesterday.

退歐將永久損害英國經濟 British government says EU exit would deal £36bn blow to its public

英國財政大臣喬治•奧斯本(George Osborne,見上圖)昨日宣稱,英國退出歐盟(EU)將給英國經濟帶來“永久損害”,使經濟產出縮水6.2%,給公共財政帶來360億英鎊的缺口。

In the most significant day so far of the campaign for the June 23 referendum on EU membership, Mr Osborne sought to destroy the economic arguments for Brexit in a 200-page Treasury analysis of the impact of a Leave vote.


With some polls showing the Remain and Leave camps running neck-and-neck, David Cameron’s government hopes to shift votes with a relentless focus on the alleged threat to growth and jobs of a British withdrawal.

鑑於一些民調結果顯示留歐陣營和退歐陣營勢均力敵,戴維•卡梅倫(David Cameron)領導的政府希望通過緊緊聚焦於其聲稱的英國退歐對增長和工作機會的威脅來拉票。

Mr Cameron is expected to receive further support for his campaign on Friday when Barack Obama arrives in London; the US president is expected to back Britain staying in the EU.

卡梅倫的宣傳努力有望在巴拉克•奧巴馬(Barack Obama)週五抵達倫敦後獲得進一步的支持;預計美國總統將支持英國留在歐盟。

The Treasury paper claimed that an exit would lead to falling trade and would put a £36bn annual dent in the public finances, equivalent to 8p on the basic rate of income tax.


Pro-Leave campaigners have accused the chancellor of scaremongering. But Mr Osborne insisted the Treasury’s analysis of the costs and benefits of EU membership was “serious and sober and conclusive”.


In the central scenario of a bilateral trade deal with the EU, similar to that negotiated with Canada, the economy would be 6.2 per cent smaller after 15 years than if Britain stayed in the EU, equating to £4,300 per household.


In a scenario where Britain falls back on its membership of the World Trade Organisation, the hit would be more severe with the economy up to 9.5 per cent smaller and households as much as £6,600 poorer, the Treasury calculated.


The idea of Britain negotiating a deal for full access to the European single market while not being an EU member was “complete fantasy”, Mr Osborne said. But Eurosceptics pointed out that if the economic consequences of a Brexit were so disastrous, it was odd that the prime minister should have put the choice to the British public


Michael Gove, a pro-Brexit minister, will say today the Remain campaign “treats people like mere children, capable of being frightened into obedience”.

支持英國退歐的大臣邁克爾•戈夫(Michael Gove)今天將會說,留歐運動“把人民當做會因爲害怕而服從的孩子”。


