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Online video streaming service Netflix recently reported that profits more than doubled during the last quarter. This not only says a lot about how the company managed to turn itself around, it also reveals a profound truth about the overall tech industry: When a company builds and dominates a big new market, customers want it to succeed and will rally behind it even when it screws up.

在線視頻流媒體服務商Netflix 最近報告稱,上個季度公司利潤增加了一倍多。這不僅證實這家公司已經一舉扭轉頹勢,而且也爲整個高科技產業揭示了一個深刻的道理:當一家公司建立並主導一個巨大的新市場時,消費者希望它成功,願意團結在它周圍,即使這家公司有搞砸的時候。


Just three years ago, Netflix monumentally muffed up when it tried to split off DVD rentals from streaming and raise prices. But by then, Netflix had created a strong new market category and ecosystem around streaming movies – a new form of entertainment delivery that had never existed before.


What happened next is a story of forgiveness and redemption; a love story between the customers of a whole new service that Netflix dominated.


In the late ‘90s, the company did what legendary tech startups do. It stormed incumbent kingdoms with compelling new technology and a new business model. It used the Web versus physical stores as its channel to customers and transformed video rentals into a monthly service. With no late fees. As a result, Netflix changed the way customers perceived value with a different approach to media consumption. This original strategy created a new market for DVD subscriptions. This simple and powerful idea crushed Blockbuster Video.

在上世紀90年代末,Netflix剛創立時一如所有傳奇科技創業公司那樣,它攜引人注目的新技術和全新商業模式橫空出世,在市場上引起了一輪風暴。它使用網絡使用網絡作爲連接客戶的渠道,挑戰實體店,把視頻租賃轉化爲一種按月繳費的服務。無需滯納金。結果,Netflix以一種不同的媒體消費方式改變了顧客感知價值的方式。這種新穎的戰略開創了DVD訂閱新市場。而以這個簡單而強大的創意,Netflix擊潰了DVD租賃市場霸主百視達公司(Blockbuster Video)。

This is a stark contrast from only a few years ago. In 2011, customers revolted as the company raised prices and announced plans to spin off the DVD-by-mail business. Netflix stock tanked as 800,000 subscribers fled.


Then something legendary happened. Hastings said publicly “I messed up” and “In hindsight, I slid into arrogance based upon past success.” This is a stunning admission. Especially when you consider how easily CEOs can slip into becoming the “Chief Ego Officer.” Hastings didn’t. He listened. He took swift action. Netflix fixed its pricing policy.

隨後發生了一件頗具傳奇色彩的事情。CEO黑斯廷斯公開表示,“這事我搞砸了,”還說,“事後看來,過去的成功滋長了我的傲慢自大。”如此坦白的認錯確實令人震驚。尤其是當你考慮到首席執行官們很容易墮落爲“首席自負官(Chief Ego Officer) ”。黑斯廷斯沒有自我膨脹。他悉心聆聽,並迅速採取行動。Netflix修正了它的定價策略。

When Netflix stumbled, it was savvy of them to ask for the market’s forgiveness. Consumers wanted Netflix to bounce back. The market had come to depend on Netflix.


Better yet, once forgiven, Netflix rewarded its customers – by innovating and making its services even better.


Netflix used the big data they have on what, when, where and how their customers watch video to start creating its own content. It made a big and bold bet that proprietary entertainment – purpose built for Internet streaming – would drive revenue and expand their market ever further. Man, did it work. As a result Netflix caught their digital competitors Apple and Amazon


napping and smashed the legacy content business paradigm. At least for now.

所有這一切都出自另一個簡單而強大的想法——讓人們能夠在任何時間、任何設備上,以他們期許的方式消費精彩好看的娛樂內容。奧斯卡獎得主,劇集《紙牌屋》(House of Cards)聯合出品人凱文o史派西去年就這一話題發表了一場震動媒體世界的演講。

All with another simple, powerful idea – give people great entertainment, the way they want to consume it, at anytime, on any device. Academy award winner and House of Cards co-creator Kevin Spacey gave a seminal speech on this topic that rocked the media world last year.

2013年,Netflix公司憑藉劇集《紙牌屋》,成爲首家贏得艾美獎(Emmy)的非電視網絡機構。本季度的業績在某種程度上受益於《女子監獄》(Orange is the New Black)和《紙牌屋》第二季的成功熱播。這兩部備受期待,廣受好評的劇集共獲得31項艾美獎提名。

In 2013, Netflix became the first non-TV network to win an Emmy for the series House of Cards. This quarter’s results were in part driven by the second season success of Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. Both were eagerly awaited, critically acclaimed and combined have 31 Emmy nominations.


Now Netflix stands on the precipice of greatness. As it stares down threats from Hollywood, , and grapples with Internet distribution problems, the question is can they be the defining digital media company or not?



