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5. Feminism Hates Traditions and Being Girly

5. 女權主義厭棄傳統,排斥女性化


Traditions are crazy-important to human beings. They underpin our cultures, hold societies together. So when a buncha feminists decide to force the world to ditch beloved traditions in the name of progress, it's time to fight back, right?

傳統對於人類來說至關重要。 傳統鞏固我們的文化,凝聚不同的社會團體。所以,當一羣女權主義者以進步之名強迫世界拋棄傳統,我們該反擊了,不是嗎?

As with every single entry on this list, it's waaay more complicated than that. See, feminism doesn't mean throwing the baby out with the bathwater. There is plenty of room to be a feminist, while still choosing to embrace traditions you like.


Take the whole thing of a woman taking her husband's second name. On some levels, this is clearly the least-feminist thing ever. But on others… well. There are plenty of feminist writers out there who have chosen to take their partner's name, because they wanted to. Just like there are plenty of feminists who argue that being a stay-at-home mom is as personally-empowering as becoming a CEO. Or feminists who are submissive, or who love wearing makeup, or who are down with dating 'traditional' alpha males.


The point is that these women are free to choose whether to take their husband's name, be a housewife, or wear traditionally girly stuff. It's the ability to have that choice that feminism is all about.


4. Feminists All Agree on the Same Facts

4. 女權主義者全部認同同樣的事實

十種對女權主義的誤解(下) 第2張

If there's one misconception we really, really wanna bust with this article, it's that feminism is a single thing, and feminists a single group. That's why we keep coming back to the religion analogy. Much as branches of religions interpret their tenets differently, branches of feminism look at certain statistics in wildly different ways. What's fact to one group may well be fiction to another.


Take campus sexual assault. Pretty much everyone agrees it's a problem, but that doesn't mean everyone is coming from the same starting point. You might have heard the 1-in-5 or 1-in-4 statistic and assumed all feminists believed it. Not so. Christina Hoff Summers and the Factual Feminist Group, to give one example, claim the number is grossly inflated. Nonetheless, they still campaign for an end to campus assault.


It's like this with most other statistics you see reported. For every liberal-feminist group talking about the wage gap, there's a conservative-feminist group saying the focus should be elsewhere. This doesn't make one group 'liars' or 'fake feminists'. It just means the thing that unites them – believing women shouldn't be discriminated against – is bigger than any single issue.


3. Bra Burning Was an Actual Thing That Happened

3. 燃燒胸罩是真實事件

十種對女權主義的誤解(下) 第3張

We recently debunked this one in an unrelated article, but it definitely bears repeating in this new context. The concept of bra burning as we know it, with angry college girls throwing their underwire into a flaming trashcan, simply didn't happen. That's right. The single most-defining mental image many of us have of 1960s feminism is as factually correct as your buddy Blaze's story about the time he totally could've copped off with Scarlet Johansson.


The fact that this story exists at all is due to an unfortunate confluence of media inattention and the Vietnam War. At the time, men were burning their draft cards to escape being sent to war. The media reported ceaselessly on these card burnings, but kept on ignoring women's lib protests. One feminist reporter, Lindsy Van Gelder, decided to subconsciously link the two causes in her readers' minds, hoping the symbolic act of burning would make the women's lib movement seem as legit as the anti-War one.

這個故事之所以存在歸根于越戰和媒體疏忽。那個時候,男人燒掉他們的兵役應徵卡逃避戰爭。媒體無休止地報道這些焚燒應徵卡的行爲,卻一直忽視女性婦女解放運動的抗議。一個女權主義記者,林德賽·範·傑爾德, 有意將兩件事聯繫起來,希望焚燒這個象徵性的動作會使婦女解放運動和反戰運動一樣合法。

Unfortunately, her plan totally backfired. The male-dominated media couldn't get enough of these crazy, bra-burning chicks and the story went the 1960s equivalent of viral. It was quoted so widely that it's now the number one thing many of us 'know' about feminism.


2. Feminism Lives on Social Media

2. 女權主義存在於社交媒體

十種對女權主義的誤解(下) 第4張

Perhaps you come from a small town where few people openly identify as feminists. Perhaps people just aren't that into broadcasting their identities in your area. It might seem reasonable, then, to assume feminism lives on social media. After all, that's how it's always reported, often in conjunction with the words 'activism', 'Twitterstorm', and 'campaign'.


It's true that plenty of feminist-activists work on Twitter. It's also true that many of them spearhead progressive online campaigns. But believing that social media feminism is representative of the whole is like believing snake handlers represent all Christians or Nazi-saluting Alt-Righters represent all Trump supporters.


There's no doubt that plenty of feminists practice in-yer-face online activism. But many, many more don't even have Twitter accounts. It's just that those making noises are naturally the ones who wind up getting the most attention. And, if you happen to be conservative, they can be the ones who you naturally notice. Look at it this way. About 60% of all US women identify themselves as either feminist (43%) or strongly feminist (17%). That's nearly 100 million women in the US alone. Twitter has only 67 million active US users. Even if 100% of them were feminists, that's a heck of a lot of feminists doing their thing away from Twitter.


1. We No Longer Need Feminism


十種對女權主義的誤解(下) 第5張

Living in the Western world, it can be tempting to think feminism is no longer needed. That women are now on an equal footing with men. Sadly, that's so not true it's gonna break your heart just hearing about it.


In parts of the world, it's still totally OK to slice up baby girls' genitals, destroying their ability to pee or feel sexual pleasure in later life. In other parts, it's considered acceptable for pre-pubescent girls to be forcibly married to men in their 50s. Across the planet, over 5,000 women a year are slaughtered in 'honor killings'. Disfiguring acid attacks are on the rise in places like India, but also in the UK. And that's before we get onto the shocking education gap in places like Africa, the reduced lack of healthcare, and the sexual assault of women living in warzones.

在世界的一些地方,切除女嬰的生殖器的行爲仍然被允許,在餘生她們會因此失去小便的能力,也不會再有性快感。在另一些地方,一些青春期的女孩會被強迫嫁給五十幾歲的男人。全球,每年有5000名女性以“家族名譽”的名義被屠殺。在像印度這樣的地方, 硫酸毀容的事例在上漲,英國也是。我們還沒有說在像非洲這樣的地方令人震驚的教育差距;在戰區,女人所經受的匱乏的健康保障和性侵犯。

So, yeah, feminism probably needs to be around for a good while yet. Hopefully, the day will one day come when things are so balanced that we no longer need it at all.




