
奧運前瞻 不同國家眼中的奧運頭條大不同

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奧運前瞻 不同國家眼中的奧運頭條大不同

RIO DE JANEIRO —TheOlympics is Michael Phelps returning to the pool, Simone Biles going forgymnastics gold and Ashton Eaton looking for another decathlon win.

里約熱內盧——在本屆奧運會上,邁克爾·菲爾普斯(Michael Phelps)將重返泳池,西蒙·拜爾斯(Simone Biles)將爲體操金牌而戰,阿什頓·伊頓(Ashton Eaton)將尋求十項全能賽場上的又一場勝利。

But that is just one Olympics, the one thatAmericans are focused on. There are more than 200 countries at the Rio Games,and each has its own Olympic heroes and obsessions.


With the help of some of the manyjournalists who have converged on Rio from around the world, here’s a look athow other countries are seeing the Games.




The Chinese swimmer most cite as thebiggest threat is Sun Yang, a double gold medal winner in London four yearsago. But Chinese fans are more focused on the 100-meter freestyle contenderNing Zetao. Why? Because he’s “superhandsome,” said Jianjie Cao of Xinhua has given him outsized popularity in China, “especially with thegirls,”Cao said.


Chinese fans are also focused on diving,and Wu Minxia, who has four gold medals over the last three Games. Theequal-opportunity Cao declared her to be “beautiful.”


The two-time defending badminton championLin Dan is a somewhat more divisive figure. A former member of the ChineseArmy, he was known for saluting on the podium. But his tattoos, Cao said, arenot for every fan.


South Korea


Sports relegated to the triple-digitchannels in the United States will be riveting South Koreans over the next twoweeks.


In archery, South Korea might win all fourgolds on offer, said Tin-ji Wang of the Yonhap News Agency. And could thebiggest star of the games from South Korea actually be a pistol shooter? JinJong-oh will be trying for the 10-meter air pistol/50-meter pistol double.

韓國有可能包攬射箭項目的四枚金牌,韓聯社(Yonhap News Agency)的王天智(Tin-ji Wang,音)說。另外,本屆奧運會上最光芒四射的韓國選手真的會是一位手槍射擊運動員嗎?秦鍾午(Jin Jong-oh)將爲10米氣手槍和50米手槍的兩枚金牌而戰。

A particular hero to Korean fans is AnChang-rim, the world’s No. 1-ranked lightweight judo competitor. Born in Japan to Koreanparents, An chose to compete for the land of his forebears, earning undyingadmiration there.

對韓國的體育迷而言,世界排名第一的輕量級柔道選手安昌林(An Chang-rim)是一個特別的英雄。安昌林出生於日本,但父母均爲韓國人,他選擇代表祖國出戰,爲此在那裏獲得了無盡的尊崇。



Two Japanese athletes will be going for afeat that few others have accomplished: winning the same event at fourconsecutive Games. Saori Yoshida and Kaori Icho have each won wrestling titlesat every Olympics since 2004, when women’s wrestling was added to the will try to join two Americans, Carl Lewis and the discus thrower AlOerter, with four gold medals in a row.

兩名日本運動員試圖完成很少有人能夠達成的壯舉;連續第四次在奧運會的同一個項目中奪冠。自從女子摔跤在2004年被列爲正式比賽項目以來,吉田沙保裏(Saori Yoshida)和伊調馨(Kaori Icho)在每一屆奧運會上都摘得了摔跤金牌。她們將向卡爾·劉易斯(Carl Lewis)和鐵餅名將阿爾弗雷德·厄特(Al Oerter)看齊,竭力奪得四連冠。

Swimming will also be in the headlines inJapan, said Makoto Morimoto of Kyodo News. In the men’s 400individual medley, the Japanese swimmers Kosuke Hagino and Daiya Seto couldfinish 1-2.

共同社(Kyodo News)的森本誠(Makoto Morimoto,音)說,游泳項目也將登上新聞頭條。日本游泳運動員萩野公介(Kosuke Hagino)和瀨戶大也(Daiya Seto)可能會分獲男子400米個人混合泳的冠亞軍。

Morimoto says Japan can win four goldmedals in judo, and the men’s gymnastics team is looking for gold with Kohei Uchimura in theindividual event and in the team event.

森本誠說,日本能在柔道賽場上奪得4枚金牌;男子體操隊有望在團體賽中奪冠,並靠內村航平(Kohei Uchimura)在單項比賽中奪金。



As usual, it’s all about the pool, saidMick Carroll of News Corp Australia. The team was disappointing in London.“Some of the men got cocky; the camaraderie wasn’t there,” Carroll said, buthopes are high for a return to glory in Rio. The biggest stars are thefreestyle sprinters: the sisters Cate and Bronte Campbell for the women andCameron McEvoy for the men.

與以往一樣,人們的目光全都聚焦在泳池內,澳大利亞新聞集團(News Corp Australia)的米克·卡羅爾(Mick Carroll)說。澳大利亞游泳隊在倫敦的表現讓人失望。“當時,一些人變得狂妄自大,友愛的精神蕩然無存,”卡羅爾說,但人們對游泳隊在里約重振雄風抱有很大期望。短距離自由泳運動員是最耀眼的明星:女運動員中有凱特和布朗蒂·坎貝爾(Cate and Bronte Campbell)姐妹,男運動員當數卡梅倫·麥克沃伊(CameronMcEvoy)。

Though she may not even make the final,hurdler Michelle Jenneke has become a YouTube sensation and is plastered onsoft-drink billboards in Rio thanks to a hip-wiggling dance she does before thestart of races.

跨欄選手米歇爾·詹尼克(Michelle Jenneke)可能連決賽都進不去,但由於習慣於在比賽開始前跳扭臀舞,她已經在YouYube上引起轟動,其形象還登上了里約的軟飲料廣告牌。

Australians are also interested in thewomen’s rugby competition, where their team will compete against itsfierce rival New Zealand. “They are a lovely team of great girls who are thankful to be here,”Carrollsaid.




The big name at the Games is theworld-record-holding swimmer Federica Pellegrini, who won gold in the 200-meterfreestyle in 2008 but missed out on a medal in 2012. Pellegrini’s popularity inItaly rivals that of top soccer players, said Andrea Buongiovanni of LaGazzetta dello Sport.

保持着世界紀錄的游泳運動員費代麗卡·佩萊格里尼(Federica Pellegrini)是一位大名鼎鼎的奧運選手,她在2008年奪得了200米自由泳金牌,但在2012年與獎牌擦肩而過。佩萊格里尼在意大利的受歡迎程度,與最頂尖的足球運動員不相上下,《米蘭體育報》(La Gazzetta dello Sport)的安德烈·布翁喬瓦尼(AndreaBuongiovanni)說。

While swimming has surged in the last 15years in Italy, the country’s fencing success goes back to the dawn of theGames. The nation will also be focused on the volleyball and water polo teams,and cycling, where the 2014 Tour de France winner Vincenzo Nibali will compete.

過去15年間,意大利在游泳項目中迅速崛起,但該國在擊劍項目中的成就一直可以追溯到奧運會創辦初期。意大利人還會關注其排球隊和水球隊,以及自行車比賽——2014年環法賽冠軍文森佐·尼巴利(Vincenzo Nibali)將參與競逐。


