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1. Your coffee comes exactly as you like it, with the precisely right ratio of cream to sugar.

1. 你點的咖啡正好就是你想要的,奶油和糖的比例恰到好處。

2. You make all the stop lights when you’re in a hurry.

2. 當你有急事的時候,信號燈正好爲你而停。

3. You come back from the bathroom at a restaurant and your delicious meal is already at the table.

3. 當你在餐廳用完洗手間的時候,美味的飯菜也剛好爲你端上桌。

4. Waking up thinking you have to get up and go to work, but it’s a Saturday.

4. 當你早上醒來想着還得起牀去上班時,發現那天是週六。

5. Having a truly problem-free flying experience.

5. 有一次真正無憂無慮的飛行旅程。

6. Flicking through the channels on an otherwise boring night and a movie you love, but would never think to watch, is just starting.

6. 在一個無聊的夜晚調臺時,正好發現某臺有一部你喜歡卻沒有機會去看的電影纔剛剛開始。

7. Arriving at the subway station right on time to catch both your trains, original and transfer.

7. 當你到達地鐵站時,正好趕上你想搭乘的列車(直達或換乘都行)。

8. Driving through a crowded parking lot and finding yourself right behind someone in the first spot who is just leaving.

8. 在擁擠的停車場剛好找到一個正要空出的停車位。

9. Waking up in the middle of the night and seeing it’s 3:00am and you still have a few hours to sleep.

9. 在午夜醒來發現才早上3點,你還可以再睡上幾個小時。

10. Finding out they are bringing back one of your favorite cancelled TV shows.

10. 正好發現一部你很喜歡但已取消播出的電視節目又重新上演。

11. Checking your bank account the morning after a long, crazy night out and discovering you only spent $30.

11. 出去玩度過了一個漫長而又瘋狂的夜晚,早上查賬發現你只花了30美金。

12. Finding money in your coat pocket from last year.

12. 在衣服的口袋裏找到了去年放進去的錢。

13. Snapping a good photograph of everyone in the picture on the first try.

13. 只試了一次,就成功抓拍到了每個人。

14. Getting out of a traffic ticket.

14. 成功逃掉一次交通罰款。

15. Saying the exact retort you want, at the exact moment you want to say it, instead of thinking of it after.

15. 在正確的時間準確說出了自己想要說出的話,而不是事後後悔。

16. A nice cashier says “I can take you over here” as you approach a long line at a register.

16. 當你在排很長的隊伍交款時,一位非常友好的收銀員說“請到這邊付款”。

17. A song perfectly fitting your mood comes on the radio or your playlist.

17. 當你聽收音機或者自己的播放列表時,一首歌正好戳中了你當時的心情。

18. Realizing you’ve thought of a truly perfect gift for someone.

18. 正好想到了一個非常完美的禮物送與別人。

19. That moment when, while hanging out with a new acquaintance, you both realize you’re actually going to be great friends.

19. 和一位剛認識的人出去玩,你們都認爲彼此以後會成爲很好的朋友。

20. Seeing that the weather is going to be absolute perfection for an outdoor event.

20. 發現外面的天氣非常好,絕對適合戶外活動。

21. The moment of excitement after you’ve just booked a vacation to somewhere you’ve wanted to go for as long as you can remember.

21. 正好有假期去一個你一直想去的地方旅行,覺得非常興奮。

22. Laughing so hard that you can’t catch your breath at something that is probably only funny to you and maybe one other person.

22. 自己或者身邊其他人身上發生的一件很有趣的事情,讓人笑得喘不上氣來。



